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Imanuel Revo Admojo F-777
UI Designer & Front End Developer

SMK Negeri 4 Malang , Dipa Inhouse Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Assayyaad | الصياد Assayyaad
مطور ألعاب | مبرمج أنظمة وأدوات | خبير دسكورد

@DisQada @Anthima-Alaab @Markaz-Lisan

Arduino Aficionado ArduinoAficionado
Tinkerer, Maker, Hacker, Optimist.

Arduino Aficionado Detroit

Gert Goet eval
Sorting bits, mostly in Clojure and Ruby. OSS enthusiast.

ThinkCreate Aarhus

Kyle King KyleKing
Senior Engineer at Parexel AI Labs. Previously at Meso Scale Diagnostics and Georgia Tech OMSCS Graduate.

Parexel Washington, DC

Dmytro Litvinov DmytroLitvinov
Python developer

@softformance Ukraine

Colin McNamara colinmcnamara
Engineer 🔧 | Entrepreneur 💼 | Sustainability Champion 🌱 | Supply Chain Strategist 🔗 | Private Label Pioneer 🏷️ | Build a Better Tomorrow 🌍

Always Cool Brands Austin, Tx

Chris L chris1331
A Lifelong Learner🧠🤓 A Digital Marketer👨🏿‍💻😎 I like Burgers🍔 🏁#TheMarathonContinues


Salaheddin AbuEin sabuein
A human, father, husband, digital creative and web developer @RapidInfoSys

Seeking new opportunities London, UK

Ryan Heck aqualithmedia
Consultant pioneering self-sovereignty, decentralization, and #Value4Value within the #TTRPG hobby and adjacent nerdery. Currently exploring IPFS via TinaCMS

Aqualith Media Minnetonka, MN

Michael Zumstein 4aficiona2
Design Systems Architect — HTML, CSS, JS, web component, design token, ux, perf., sustain., a11y @yokaiteam Web Sommelier & Vigneron @satellites-of-love

@yokaiteam @satellites-of-love Bern / Brentjong / wherever

K likw99
Let's make things happen.


Alex Wennerberg alexwennerberg
against computers

Twitch Brooklyn, NY

Elena Brescacin talksina
Accessibility consultant and expert: on Github to report bugs in project I work for

tangity design Treviso, Italy

Robert Shaw xiaoluoboding
I ❤️ Web Dev, 💻 Self-thought Product Engineer | 🖖 @vuejs aficionado | Swift Learner | ☕️ #coffee lover | 🌵 #agave nanny

Indie Hacker Dali, China

Armen devarmenchik1408
Dev Kiev

Cody Keisler trounceabout
I push pixels around and occasionally write code while doing it 🤙

@LiquidWeb Rock Hill, SC

Paolo Melchiorre pauloxnet
@psf fellow · DSF director · @python / @django dev · @DjangoGirls coach · @djangonaut-space navigator · @PythonPescara founder · @pythonitalia Conference staff

Pescara (Italy)

Michael Kennedy mikeckennedy
A Python enthusiast and an entrepreneur. Host of Talk Python and Python Bytes podcasts, founder of Talk Python Training. Python Software Foundation Fellow.

Talk Python Portland, OR

Bryan Behrenshausen semioticrobotic
Open source program manager at @sassoftware

SAS (Remote) West Lawn, PA

Tom Hackshaw et0and

Yufugumi ~dormer-tabful

Shun Kakinoki shunkakinoki


Mohamed Medhat mohamedmedhatnabil
Junior React Developer

Helwan University Giza, Egypt

Kunal Mishra kunalm2345
engg at buttondown, electronics at BITS Goa, built, previously at BioCompute

Goa, India

John Noel johnnoel
More squirrels than sense.

@evolutednewmedia Sheffield, United Kingdom

Jonathan Gray jwyg
Reader in Critical Infrastructure Studies King's College London. Co-Founder @PublicDataLab. Research Associate @digitalmethodsinitiative @medialab.

@PublicDataLab Europe

Matt Menzenski menzenski
Principal Data Engineer at @payitgov in KCMO.

@payitgov Kansas City, Missouri

Raymel Francisco raymelon
building ai agents @tokwalabs, indie maker // past: full stack dev @OrangefixDev, cs @ Polytechnic University of the Philippines


Jay Cuthrell JayCuthrell
See my

Cuthrell Consulting ::1/128


United States

Justin Duke jmduke
I'm the founder and CEO of @buttondown.

@buttondown Richmond, VA

Alexander Tibbets MRTIBBETS
I like to build things, tell stories, and help people.
Jacob Ford unitof
Tight-end developer.

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