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Sam Beebe sambeebe Seattle, WA

Ed_ Ed94
Working on games, tools, and a contracting platform.

Metavoke South Florida

Loves The Pikmin Games and enjoys writing in c ,c++ c# , PPC asm and currently learning x86. Most of my repos are private so do not expect to see much
Andrew Craig DeathHound6
Self-taught developer - JS/TS, Python, C#, Go, Linux SysAdmin, Speedrunner and AutoSplitter developer

Northern Ireland, UK

Station Van stationvc
just station focusing mechatronics, systems engr, and design processes


Hri7566 Hri7566

@experimental-celestial-laboratories @multiplayerpiano United States

Vico vico93
Estudante de Jogos Digitais na UNIASSELVI

Esteio, Brazil

Jesse Jesse2431
Kruidnoten are awesome

Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory

Sammy Samkough ssamkough

@bonnysystems NJ/NYC/WWW

Malu Malueion
Perhaps I may do the coding some day.


Benjamin Funke BJNFNE
I love Reverse Engineering and reimplementing.


i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Dylan TheDjgamerProductions
just a dude who likes to make things


trong thelinuxpirate
Founding Father of @ThePirateCove;

ThePirateCove California

bperris bryanperris
Sr. Software Engineer | Enthusiast in Emulation, Sw. Architecture, Embedded, Web, Graphics, Robotics, Reverse Eng, Electrical Eng, DevOps, Security, Linux|FOSS
Chris DeBoy 8bitprodigy
Programmer looking for work in Godot Gamedev. Contact me if you're interested in hiring me.


Rain Melon-Bread

United States. Ohio

Amber Brault CelestialAmber
trans girl, she/her. I'm interested in making games, drawing, and other things.
Kyle Davis kpd328

Tentamus North America Oceanside, CA