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Keunhong Park keunhong

University of Washington San Francisco, CA

Krzysztof Zając kzajac97

Wrocław University of Science and Technology Wrocław

Diego Volpatto volpatto
Faculty Researcher in Applied and Computational Math at the Brazilian National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC/MCTI).

LNCC Petrópolis/RJ, Brazil

H Ruthrash Ruthrash
I write code

University of Toronto Mississauga

Ján Drgoňa drgona
Scientific Machine Learning (SciML), constrained optimization, Model Predictive Control (MPC), Data-driven modeling and control

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland, Washingthon, USA

Emanuele Ballarin emaballarin
PhD student in (neuro-inspired) Deep Learning. Also: robust / trustworthy / Bayesian DL, kernel methods, computational neuroscience. Overenthusiastic tinkerer.

Dept. of Maths, UniTS | @LACoNIC-UniTS ⊆ @ailab-units | @sissa-data-science | @AI-Student-Society Trieste, Italy

Jongwook Choi wookayin
Researcher & Developer & Productivity Geek.

New York, NY

Milind Malshe milindmalshe

Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta

Bruce Chenghao-Wu
Molecular Simulator from (M)^3 Lab @ Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University, Suzhou, China
Magic Mai magic3007
PKU CS Ph.D. student 2021 🎩🎩🎩 PKU 2017 CS. Focus on machine learning applications, MLsys, and emerging technology in VLSI CAD.

Peking University @PKU-IDEA Beijing, China

Toshihiro AOKI toshaoki
Ph.D. in Theoretical Particle Physics.
chenvy zcchenvy
RL 和 multiagent RL领域的一个白痴

Dalian Maritime University Dalian

Weixun Wang wwxFromTju
Make MAS(DRL) Great Again ! 🐶

DRL/MAS Tianjin China

爱可可-爱生活 fly51fly
BUPT prof | Sharing latest AI papers & insights | Join me in embracing the AI revolution! #MachineLearning #AI #Innovation

PRIS BeiJing

ZhaoY AnnLIU15

Sun Yat-sen University Guang Zhou, Guang Dong, China

Zhehui Chen mathczh
MLE @ Google; Ex-MLE@Didi Labs working on AV car. Ph.D. ISyE@GATECH. BS ScGY@USTC.

Google LLC Mtv