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Adrian De Gendt Space1415
A student with big ambitions to change the world and exband humanity beyond our solar system.


Manuel Ernesto manuelernesto
🥑 Advocating @Kotlin ☁️ Mastering @GoogleCloudPlatform 🚀 Mastering @kubernetes

Software Engineer Angola

Luc Shelton LoveDuckie
Software Engineer working in the games industry. Experienced in C++, C#, and TypeScript. Sometimes I dabble in other languages where applicable.

London, United Kingdom

Thomas Boni thomasboni
🤖 Co-Founder

R2Devops France

TechyGuy TechyGuy17
Intrested in computers, servers, network and cryptocurrencys. Working @ Novastack Hosting. Doing some development for kryptokrona

Novastack Hosting Sweden

Marcus Cvjeticanin marcuscvj
Software Developer at Softwerk AB

Softwerk AB Växjö, Sweden