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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Software Engineering Lab, ECE NTUA softlabntua
Software Engineering Lab School of Electrical and Computer Engineering National Technical University of Athens

@ntua Athens, Greece

Vassilios Vescoukis vvescoukis
Professor of Software Engineering and Geoinformation at National Technical University of Athens

@ntua Athens, Greece

Stavros Lazopoulos StavrosLzp

Electrical and Computer Engineering @NTUA

Nikolaos Papakonstantopoulos ntua-el20069
Undergraduate Student in ECE School of NTUA
Andreas Stamos andreasstamos
Studying Electrical and Computer Engineering at National Technical University of Athens
Grigorios Tsenos ntua-el19879a
Studying Electrical and Computer Engineering at @ntua
ntua electrical engineering 4th year

Athens, Greece

Student at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | Digital Industry Technology | Systems Engineer
Fotis Monanteros ntua-el21912
I am student in NTUA

NTUA Athens

Stavros Mitropoulos stavrakas13
Just a student in ECE NTUA Here you ll find some uni projects for now...