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This organization was marked as archived by an administrator on Jun 18, 2024. It is no longer maintained.
Viasha Isler Viasha
I am a dedicated and innovative aspiring data scientist with a passion for uncovering insights from complex data sets.
Franklin Cuello Fcuello23
Just getting into data science, working on a specialization via cursera from John Hopkins. I've also done some light work on Oxygen using eclipse.

Washington DC.

Armen devarmenchik1408
Dev Kiev

Scott Draper scottdraper8
Data Scientist | Software Engineer

General Assembly Utah

Mandy HP Nguyen MandyHPNguyen
🎯Actively Seeking Jobs🎯 💼 Data Analyst 👩‍🎓MS in Data Analytics & BEc in International Business 📫 [email protected]

Webster University Missouri, USA


Parrottware LLC Texas

Yanis Benekaa YanisBenekaa
A young developper who enjoy code, art and culture 😎🏞🎷

Montpellier, France

Pavel Romanus Shado2107
Simplement un développeur! Je suis passionné.

Dkr, Senegal

Fred Motta fredm23579
ĤΨ = iħ∂Ψ∕∂t

Riverside, California

Jimmy Briggs jimbrig
Striving to be a Modern Age Polymath

@noclocks Atlanta, GA, USA

Eric Gallager cooljeanius
Help, the older computers of my collection are still broken! Please send repairspeople.

NH House of Representatives New Hampshire

BluejacketScott BluejacketScott

Bluejacket Software Phoenix, AZ

Jessie Schalles silenceonthelam
Front end and euphonium

New York, NY

Jesse Gilbride jessegilbride
Web Application Developer React, Vue, Node, Express, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, CSS

Rhode Island

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Jacob Hands jahands
Helping build a better Internet @cloudflare


Gavin R. Isgar Gisgar3
@github Advisory Council Member. @Syracuse-Open-Source-Collective Founder. Strong drive for developing open-source software and networking with others!

U.S. Army Syracuse, NY

Nissim Lebovits nlebovits
MCP @ Weitzman School of Design | Cities, Climate, Data


Ariel Cerón a-ceron
Tecnologo | Matemático | Grafos | Probabilidad | Python | IA | UNAM | UNADM ☭


Price Smith pricesmith
Mid-level jack of all trades.
Rat ratstick
Cyberpunk 2077 modder, hobyist OSINT