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Taegeun Moon LunaTK

Seoul, South Korea

ZHS copyrighthero
Adept at full-stack development, fluent in JavaScript, Python, and SQL; can occasionally converse in Bash, PHP, and C.

Austin, TX

Igor Bayerl IgorBayerl
Working in big projects.

Crytek Frankfurt, Germany

Jonas Peeck aGuyNamedJonas
Founder at uncloud

uncloud Berlin

Sendy Putra sendyputra
- Marketers πŸ’Ή - Full Stack Web & Mobile Developers πŸ’»πŸ“± - Bad UI Good UX 😍 - Always Learning πŸ“š - Obi & Ucup Father πŸΌπŸ‘ΆπŸšΌ


Maxim Marshak bormaxi8080
Investigative Journalism | OSINT activities & Investigations | White Hacker | People, Companies & Incidents Data | Python | Ruby | JS | Perl | Bash

Self Employed Nowhere

Danial Manavi DManavi
Senior Full-stack Software Engineer
