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JakeKang JakeKang
Front-End Developer, Junior Software Engineer.

HDS Corp. Senior Research Engineer Seoul, Republic of Korea

eunhwa shin deveunhwa
My ability to build up one by one.

EH company Seoul, South Korea

Software Engineer-Data Engineer divithraju
Software Engineer | Data Engineer |

Freelancer India

Jacey Nae naeminhye
young man with nothing to show

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

KimDaeGeon toothlessdev

Kyungpook National Univ. Computer Science 20

Jiho Lee DPS0340
Think Rust!

@MondrianAI @SW-Maestro-OSS Seoul, Republic of Korea

Sungmann Cho chosungmann
👨🏻‍💻 🎼 📚 🍽 ☕ 🧳 🎫 🙏🏻

HYBE IM Seoul, South Korea

Chi Hyun Noh JuniorTunarr
Software Engineer, Frontend 무엇이든 꺼리지 않고, 그 순간을 즐기고자 합니다.

오픈에스지 Seoul

Full Stack Dev


Duckfin Git-Duckfin

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Jinho Jake1152

Seoul, Republic of Korea

오동엽 dnlwllms

HDC Labs Seoul, Korea

Joonsoo Lee dazeddd

Seoul, South Korea

Na eun Oh (Better) Ohnaeun
Front-end Developer
이은비 dldmsql
Server Developer

motemote Seoul

Nayeon Kim (Jupi) nyeoni
Creative Developer

42Seoul(@innovationacademy-kr) Seoul

9utty 9utty

Flint seoul

Nor mihyunLee
Studying Step by Step🐌


Kyeongeun Park KellyPark96

Seoul, Republic of Korea

N NR0617
김재훈 kimja7045

@MIRIDIH Seoul, South Korea

김영은 wwwr-kim0en
Web Developer


Eun rovin0805
Frontend | React Native

Seoul, South Korea

Yurim Lee yurimnim
There's always money in the banana stand 💵

Seoul, South Korea

김태헌 gangnamssal
습관에 강한 개발자, 김태헌입니다.
