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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Tualatrix Chou tualatrix
Indie Developer

Hangzhou, China

Anthony antmikinka
Co-creating a reality that is aligned with my higher selves, ambitions, and the most amount of freedom
苹果API搬运工 XanderXu
苹果 API 搬运工; visionOS Developer


~ contrib

@durakiconsulting Concrete Jungle

Jihoon Ahn jihoonahn
2024.01.29 ~ 2025.07.28 Korea Army

@pelagornis Seoul, Korea

Alexey Bukhtin buh
iOS/macOS developer


Arto Bendiken artob

@asimov-platform Dubai/Lviv/Helsinki

Sapozhnik Ivan iSapozhnik
iOS and macOS

Munich, Germany

Simon Weniger simonweniger
Software Engineering & Design. Self-taught developer, and educated designer. Typescript & Swift - Web and Apple Platforms

@aiden-technologies Berlin, Germany

Wang Shudao vulgur


정승균 / Gyunni 😈 seunggyun-jeong

Apple Developer Academy @ POSTECH Daegu, South Korea

x_0o0 x-0o0
🏅 WWDC19 Scholarship, WWDC20 Swift Student Challenge Winner

Hyundai Motor Group Seoul, South Korea

tcarson cpiprint
Developer from the Windy City.

CPIprint Chicago

Mx-Iris Mx-Iris
macOS Developer & Researcher
Yash YSBoomOfficial
Visually Impaired | Software Engineer

CreateFuture London

Vishrut Jha vishrutkmr7
Founding Engineer, iOS, Full Stack Developer, Graduate Student at Arizona State University, FC Barcelona fan, Open to discuss soccer at any time of the day!

Prickly Pear Phoenix, AZ

Pushpinder Pal Singh swiftlysingh
Competing against the person in the mirror. prev. @gojek


Konstantin kkostov
Independent App Developer for Web and Mobile @Headbright

Headbright Group Belgium

iOS Engineer


Willi Wu willi

San Francisco + Copenhagen

Aditya Saravana adityasaravana
I used to have a girlfriend who was cross-eyed. Didn't work out, we could never see eye-to-eye.
houseme houseme
open source houseme Contact mail


Dmytro Chumakov dmytrochumakov
Passionate iOS developer


Morgan Zellers morganzellers
Senior Software Engineer

St. Louis, MO

Roddy Munro roddymunro
Founder of App Deco Studio and iOS developer at theScore.

theScore New Brunswick, Canada

Steve Dai daipeihust
Engineer of Human Being's Souls. iOS📱 & macOS💻 developer; Driverless car‘’s microchip developer; HUSTer

Shanghai, China

Anton Heestand heestand-xyz
SwiftUI & Metal

U-NEXT Tokyo

Tuğcan ÖNBAŞ tugcanonbas
iOS Developer | Visual Communication Designer | trying to be also a backend developer with @vapor | in ❤️ with @swiftlang

Looking For a Job İzmir, TURKEY

Tarun itsTarun
iOS Developer

New Delhi,India

Sudhi S sudhi001
Passionate Tech Enthusiast & Programmer

Stabilix Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Trivandrum, Kerala, India

XiaoDong xiaoxidong
A Designner Writes Code.

Poke Beijing

iOS development | Swift

@eSewa Lalitpur

Cao Phuoc Thanh caophuocthanh
Mobile & NodeJS Developer. Have a passion for Object-C, Swift, C, and opensource. In my first job which I make Tweak, Daemon, tools for iOS jailbreak. TP. Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam

Fateh Alam Fateh-Alam
I love to code to design!
Prabaljit Walia prabal4546
iOS Dev

San Jose, California