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wxing wxing2008666


Arindam Das arindas
Specializes in distributed systems, deep learning inference and AI SaaS at scale.

@claritas-healthtech India

Alexander Joukov Ajoukov

Stony Brook University Stony Brook, New York

Divyaank Tiwari divyaankt
Passionate about Computer Systems. Currently exploring the nitty-gritty of {Operating | Storage | Distributed} Systems and {Performance | Backend} Engineering.

Stony Brook University Stony Brook, NY, USA

Andres Santana arsh
Senior Software Engineer @aws

Amazon Seattle

cxwshawn cxwshawn

freelancer Beijing

Jasper Zeng Apricot0
A senior student at Stony Brook University, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics and Statistics double major.

Stonybrook University

Wenjie 201341
do something interesting.


Mingzhe Chang cccc1412
student from UESTC


Shawn Zhong ShawnZhong

Madison, Wisconsin

Yifei Liu Yifei-Liu
Ph.D. Student, CS@Stony Brook University

Stony Brook University Stony Brook, NY