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Alexandre Lopes AlendreLopes
Developer PHP Learning [ Elixir, Python, C e C++ ]

alendre_lopes Brasil

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish
Mykola Samchuk Mykola-Samchuk
Frontend developer (Vue.js, React, JS, jQuery)

Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

Như Phú vnphu
Code day code night

Viet Nam

Chantouch Sek chantouchsek
I love coding.

@mango-byte Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Wanderson Silva russo97
Front-end Developer | Node | Javascript | Typescript | VueJS | NuxtJS | ReactJS | NextJS | WordPress (Timber).

Recife, PE

Ömer Yiğit Davran omeerdvrn
Software Developer, Mechatronics Engineer

Gameflex Turkey, Izmir

Lessa Apolinario LessaApolinario
Graduated in Information Systems at IFAL - Campus Arapiraca

Arapiraca, Alagoas

Miguel Márcio Miguelm-del
Software Developer && Bsc. in Information Systems at @ IFAL

Arapiraca - AL, Brazil

Raza Ahmed Raza1631
Hello, World! 👋 I'm Raza Ahmed, a Website Developer specializing in e-commerce, blogging, and portfolio websites.


Michael McGraw mmcgraw73


Rizal Jihadudin rizaljihadudin
lifetime learner.

Depok, Indonesia

Kiện Khang kienkhang
I'm a front end developer and a big fan of Vue

Viet Nam, Ho Chi Minh City

Karwan Khdhr karwan01
Software Engineer

Rigt Erbil

Dipu Chandra Dey dipudey
Software Engineer | PHP, Laravel , Magento2, Vue js , Nuxt js , Inertia js


Sabuj Kundu manchumahara
Founder & CEO, @codeboxr #entrepreneurship #laravel #wordpress #poet #philosopher #manchumahara #bangladesh #lover #husband #father

Codeboxr Dhaka

Vladimir Banduristov vaban-ru
Frontend Lead in beeline

beeline Russia, Moscow

Ezekiel Lawson Emilsone
Front-end developer with 2+ years of experience converting your design ideas into interactive and responsive website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Vue

Hackmamba Lagos, Nigeria

Erick Treichel ericktreichel
Software Developer and Civil Engineer.


Gareth Williams GarethW85
Frontend Developer

Cape Town

Alex Duval xlanex6
Bullshit FREE // VueJS + Nuxt Fan boy // GraphQL addict // JAMstack evangelist // Outdoor sport player // Less IS more way of life

Bullshit Free Corp - XPEAK French Alps

Laís Galvão LaisGalvao
🚀👩‍🚀Fullstack developer | Tech instructor 👋🏽 I'm Laís, how can I help you?

@social-edu @Game-Memory-Project Santo André - SP, Brasil