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35 repositories
Public archiveThis tool allows you to easily generate reports on the basis of projects that have been co-funded by your foundation. After logging in, access is granted to project information and progress can be reported. These reports allow your foundation to monitor the effectiveness of contributions more effectively.IATI-Humanitarian-Data-Portal-CMS
Public archiveCMS to control data in the IATI Humanitarian Data Portal. Explore the humanitarian data that Grand Bargain Signatories are publishing to IATI and learn more about how the Grand Bargain Transparency commitments are helping signatories to publish better data on global humanitarian action.IOM-frontend
Public archiveIATI-Humanitarian-Data-Portal
Public archiveExplore the humanitarian data that Grand Bargain Signatories are publishing to IATI and learn more about how the Grand Bargain Transparency commitments are helping signatories to publish better data on global humanitarian action.django-rest-swagger
Public archiveRaads-Informatie-Portaal-RIS
Public archiveHet Raads informatie Portaal (RIS) levert open-source software voor Nederlandse Gemeente om alle besluiten die door de raad worden genomen te volgen.VIRA
Public archivestyled-breakpoints
Public archiveDUCT
Public archiveDUCT is Django application which allows user to convert CSV files to a harmonised datastore modelled on the SDMX standard with a standardised output.RIS-Backend
Public archiveHet Raads informatie Portaal (RIS) levert open-source software voor Nederlandse Gemeente om alle besluiten die door de raad worden genomen te volgen. Dit is de back-end Django app + API.iatitools
Public archiveTools with working with IATI data from
Public archiveRVO-IATI-PORTAL
Public archiveIATI-STUDIO
Public archiveIATI Studio is an online platform enabling you to chart IATI data.No coding involved. Just sign in and go.ant-design-pro
Public archivenginx
Public archivedjango-supervisor
Public archivephp-sitemap
Public archiveIATI-Responder-Tool
Public archivefulltext
Public archiveWeb-Karma
Public archiveNarrowcasting-application
Public archivedjango-otp-google-authenticator
Public archivedatapool
Public archiveimpacttracker
Public archiveRAIN
Public archiveakvo-sites
Public archiveiati-openaidsearch
Public archivedollytest-temp
Public archivepeace_radar
Public archive