DFKI, Plan Based Robot Control
- Osnabrück, Germany
- https://www.dfki.de/web/ueber-uns/mitarbeiter/person/osli01/
- in/oscar-lima-489915125
- Pro
robotiq Public
Forked from Krause92/robotiqRobotiq packages (http://wiki.ros.org/robotiq)
C++ BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedFeb 14, 2025 -
mbot_teleop_joypad Public
Teleoperation of a robot with joystick based on joy node
gazebo_ros_2Dmap_plugin Public
Forked from marinaKollmitz/gazebo_ros_2Dmap_pluginGazebo simulator plugin to automatically generate a 2D occupancy map from the simulated world at a given height.
C++ MIT License UpdatedDec 4, 2023 -
rqt_gui_template Public
Automated code to generate custom rqt_gui templates for ROS1 noetic distro.
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 8, 2023 -
yolov5 Public
Forked from ultralytics/yolov5YOLOv5 🚀 in PyTorch > ONNX > CoreML > TFLite
Python GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedAug 30, 2023 -
universal_robot Public
Forked from fmauch/universal_robotROS-Industrial universal robot meta-package (http://wiki.ros.org/universal_robot)
Python UpdatedAug 28, 2023 -
rosplan_demos Public
Forked from KCL-Planning/rosplan_demosTutorials and Demos for ROSPlan.
ROSPlan Public
Forked from KCL-Planning/ROSPlanThe ROSPlan framework provides a generic method for task planning in a ROS system.
pybullet_ros Public
A bridge between ROS and PyBullet
jetbot_ros Public
Forked from dusty-nv/jetbot_rosROS nodes and Gazebo model for NVIDIA JetBot with Jetson Nano
autom_param_optimization Public
ROS wrapper for SMAC, a versatile tool for optimizing algorithm parameters
pbr_tools Public
Forked from DFKI-NI/pbr_toolsMaps, gazebo and stage worlds and various tools
CMake BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMay 19, 2021 -
pddl_problems Public
pddl problems for planning to solve (does not contain planners, only problem domains and problem instances)
bullet3 Public
Forked from bulletphysics/bullet3Bullet Physics SDK: real-time collision detection and multi-physics simulation for VR, games, visual effects, robotics, machine learning etc.
C++ Other UpdatedMar 6, 2021 -
gazebo_ros_pkgs Public
Forked from ros-simulation/gazebo_ros_pkgsWrappers, tools and additional API's for using ROS with Gazebo
paz Public
Forked from oarriaga/pazPerception for Autonomous Systems
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 29, 2020 -
hddl_parser Public
HDDL (Hierarchical Domain Definition Language) parser based on flex and bison
Yacc MIT License UpdatedSep 29, 2020 -
learn_cpp Public
This repo contains exercises and examples to learn cmake and c++
otpl Public
Forked from taskplanning/otplThe Open Task Planning Library
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJul 3, 2020 -
learn_python Public
A place to put some python snippets for learning purposes
TestdomeCpp Public
Forked from ShawnROGrady/TestdomeCppPracticing C++ by answering questions provided by testdome.com
turtlebot3 Public
Forked from ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3ROS packages for Turtlebot3
industrial_ci Public
Forked from ros-industrial/industrial_ciEasy continuous integration repository for ROS repositories
task_planners Public
AI Task planners for decision making in ROSPlan
pysdf Public
Forked from andreasBihlmaier/pysdfPython library to parse SDF into class hierarchy and export URDF
Python UpdatedJul 16, 2019 -
rosplan_debug Public
Launch files, scripts and tools to debug/extend/test rosplan