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PascalCoin / PascalCoin
Forked from PascalCoinDev/PascalCoinP2P cryptocurrency without need of historical operations
signum-network / signum-node
Forked from PoC-Consortium/burstcoinSignum Node
tbenz9 / siasync
Forked from avahowell/siasyncminiscule utility to sync a folder with Sia
可以让你通过 QQ账户 登陆/注册 的NodeBB插件
A ShadowsocksR client for Android
usulix / chrome-extension-webpack-boilerplate-vue
Forked from samuelsimoes/chrome-extension-webpack-boilerplateA basic foundation boilerplate for rich Chrome Extensions using Webpack and Vue to help you write modular and modern Javascript code, load CSS easily and automatically reload the browser on code ch…
dvdbng / tweetnacl-blake2b-js
Forked from dchest/tweetnacl-jsPort of TweetNaCl cryptographic library to JavaScript
trueserve / xdag
Forked from rapidminerx/cheatcoinDagger (XDAG) is a mineable cryptocurrency based on directed acyclic graph (DAG) -
Distributed content ledger. The blockchain of media content.
etherchain-org / nheqminer
Forked from nicehash/nheqminerEquihash miner for NiceHash
PIVX-Project / PIVX
Forked from dashpay/dashProtected Instant Verified Transactions - Core wallet.
A Proof-of-Stake-Time Currency
camsong / fetch-ie8
Forked from undoZen/fetchA window.fetch JavaScript polyfill supporting IE8
radix42 / zcash4mac
Forked from zlatinb/zcash-swing-wallet-uiZCash Desktop GUI Wallet
RiseVision / old-lisk
Forked from LiskArchive/lisk-sdkLisk blockchain application platform and crypto-currency
viacoin / address-generator
Forked from pointbiz/bitaddress.orgJavaScript Client-Side Viacoin Wallet Generator
burst-team / burstcoin
Forked from BurstProject/burstcoinBurstcoin Core Development
undoZen / fetch
Forked from JakeChampion/fetchA window.fetch JavaScript polyfill.
btcdrak / bitcoin
Forked from bitcoin/bitcoinBitcoin Core integration/staging tree
syscoin / syscoin
Forked from bitcoin/bitcoinSyscoin is a crypto currency that is universally merge-mineable with a dual chain architecture both UTXO and EVM. The UTXO chain offers a data availability layer (Proof-Of-Data Availability) to off…
fundon / jstips
Forked from loverajoel/jstipsThis is about one JS tip every day!
IndexedDB chunk store that is abstract-chunk-store compliant
zilverline / react-tap-event-plugin
Forked from facebook/reactInstant TapEvents for React
shripadk / sass-loader
Forked from webpack-contrib/sass-loaderSASS loader for Webpack (with support for enhanced require)
fs for the browser using level-filesystem and browserify
React 和 Webpack 小书