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Test feeabs and osmosis Interchain Query for spot price


# Deploy chains
./scripts/node_start/ c
# Run relayer
# Create an osmosis pool
# Deploy contract and create relayer channel


feeappd tx feeabs queryomosis --from feeacc --keyring-backend test --chain-id feeappd-t1 --yes
# Wait for about 10 sec
feeappd q feeabs osmo-spot-price

The result looks like this

base_asset: osmo
quote_asset: stake
spot_price: "2.000000000000000000"

Gov proposal

feeappd tx gov submit-proposal param-change scripts/proposal.json --from feeacc --keyring-backend test --chain-id feeappd-t1 --yes

feeappd tx gov vote 1 yes --from feeapp1 --keyring-backend test --chain-id feeappd-t1 --yes

feeappd tx gov submit-proposal add-hostzone-config scripts/host_zone.json --from feeacc --keyring-backend test --chain-id feeappd-t1 --yes               

feeappd tx gov vote 2 yes --from feeapp1 --keyring-backend test --chain-id feeappd-t1 --yes
feeappd tx gov submit-proposal param-change scripts/proposal_query.json --from feeacc --keyring-backend test --chain-id feeappd-t1 --yes

feeappd tx gov vote 1 yes --from feeapp1 --keyring-backend test --chain-id feeappd-t1 --yes

feeappd tx gov submit-proposal add-hostzone-config scripts/host_zone_query.json --from feeacc --keyring-backend test --chain-id feeappd-t1 --yes               

feeappd tx gov vote 2 yes --from feeapp1 --keyring-backend test --chain-id feeappd-t1 --yes
{ibc/ED07A3391A112B175915CD8FAF43A2DA8E4790EDE12566649D0C2F97716B8518 ibc/C053D637CCA2A2BA030E2C5EE1B28A16F71CCB0E45E8BE52766DC1B241B77878  channel-0  osmo1nc5tatafv6eyq7llkr2gv50ff9e22mnf70qgjlv737ktmt4eswrqvlx82r 1 true true channel-1}