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Lambda layers with C# and Serverless framework


  1. Run npm install
  2. On Line:28 and Line:37 inside of serveless.yml replace AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER with your account number.
  3. Run build
  4. Run serverless deploy

Scheduled function will be executed every 10 minutes.

Hello function can be executed from AWS Console, or using AWS Command Line interface:

aws lambda invoke --function-name c-sharp-layer-dev-hello result.json

Check the result.json file to see the response.

Check CloudWatch for functions logs.

Normally you would want to have layers and functions separated into 2 stacks. For the sake of simplicity this example contains both in a single stack. If you receive an error that the layer does not exist, comment out lines 27,28 and 36,37 then deploy the stack. Uncomment lines and then deploy stack again.