- Make sure you have [Spring Boot for Groovy installed] (http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current-SNAPSHOT/reference/htmlsingle/#getting-started-gvm-cli-installation)
- Make sure [Spring Cloud CLI is installed] (https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-cli)
Right now the easiest way to run the UI is to use Spring Boot.
$ spring run app.groovy
and visit http://localhost:9900.
You can also serve the UI using Grunt. As a prerequisite you need to have NPM and Bower installed:
Next, install all dependencies needed (try with sudo
and -g
if this doesn't work):
$ npm install
$ npm install bower
$ bower install
Now you can start the UI using:
$ grunt serve
Cloudfoundry tends to assume this app is a node.js app (because of all the javascript), so you need to package it carefully:
$ spring jar --exclude='+bower*,node*,Gruntfile.js,*.json' --include='dist/**' app.jar app.groovy
$ cf push customersui -p app.jar