Code and reproducible tests for comparing Chimp and Gorilla lossless streaming compression algorithms. We provide the means to reproduce our tests for datasets that we use in our work using just a few commands. The repository is forked from and contains all code to build InfluxDB.
We include a Vagrantfile to provide an easy setup of the experimental environment. You should have vagrant and virtual box installed. Then simply execute:
$ vagrant up # to create the vm
$ vagrant ssh # to log in the vm
$ cd /vagrant # to switch to the directory that contains the code and proceed to building and testing
This will create a virtual machine with all dependencies installed and switch to the directory that contains the code.
If you chose to omit the previous step please follow the "building from source" guidelines provided in the following link:
Make sure you have go and rustc installed. The version of rustc should be < 1.54.0
$ go version
go version go1.13.8 linux/amd64
$ rustc --version
rustc 1.53.0 (53cb7b09b 2021-06-17)
While in the root directory (/vagrant inside the virtual machine) build influxdb:
$ make
Testing is as simple as checking out the appropriate branch and executing a single command (you should be in /vagrant directory if you are using the vm):
$ git checkout chimp
Switched to branch 'chimp'
$ go test -test.timeout 0 -run TestCompress_Basel -v
=== RUN TestCompress_Basel_Temp
Bits per value: 54.1238064516129
Compression time per block 163441.75806451612
Decoding time per block 35765.22580645161
--- PASS: TestCompress_Basel_Temp (0.15s)
=== RUN TestCompress_Basel_Wind_Speed
Bits per value: 56.115870967741934
Compression time per block 158.82009677419356
Decoding time per block 34.12603225806452
--- PASS: TestCompress_Basel_Wind_Speed (0.16s)
ok 0.325s
$ git checkout chimp128
Switched to branch 'chimp128'
$ go test -test.timeout 0 -run TestCompress_Basel -v
=== RUN TestCompress_Basel_Temp
Bits per value: 29.35258064516129
$ git checkout gorilla
Switched to branch 'gorilla'
$ go test -test.timeout 0 -run TestCompress_Basel -v
=== RUN TestCompress_Basel_Temp
Bits per value: 60.208193548387094
$ git checkout gorilla128
Switched to branch 'gorilla128'
$ go test -test.timeout 0 -run TestCompress_Basel -v
=== RUN TestCompress_Basel_Temp
Bits per value: 65.22103225806451
$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
$ vagrant halt; vagrant destroy -f
==> default: Attempting graceful shutdown of VM...
==> default: Destroying VM and associated drives...
- Panagiotis Liakos:
- Katia Papakonstantinopoulou:
- Yannis Kotidis