The following example C-programs are useful to understand SplinterDB interfaces and the key-value APIs. The programs are laid out with slightly increasing complexity of the usages and program construction.
Try to work through these example programs by running them, in this order, and review the output messages.
SplinterDB, Hello World! An introductory program that show how to configure and start a SplinterDB instance. And how to insert key-value pairs, do a lookup given a key, and to iterate through all key-value pairs in the database. Many of the commonly used interfaces can be seen in this program.
Handling wide values Program shows how to work with wide-values and how to work with client-provided output buffers when retrieving data. Lookups of wide-values may trigger memory allocation if caller-provided output buffer is not wide enough.
Using Lookup Iterators Program demonstrates use of the iterator interfaces, using real-life data involving URLs mapped to inet-addresses, and other hard-coded 'ping' metrics. This program demonstrates the default storage order of keys, which is in lexicographic sort order.
Using Custom Key-Comparison This program demonstrates the use of user-specified key-comparison routines. Here, the key is a 4-part IP4 ip-address (stored as a string; e.g. ""). The key is mapped to a payload consisting of the www-URL, and some hard-coded 'ping' metrics. A custom key-comparison function is provided while configuring SplinterDB to generate numerically sorted ordering for the constituent parts of the IP-address.