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File metadata and controls

83 lines (70 loc) · 5.51 KB


Transform is a basic integration unit of DPK that can be executed in any of the supported by the DPK runtimes (Python, Ray and Spark). All transforms are derived from the AbstractTransform class. Theis class provides no functionality and is used as just a marker that a given class implements transform. There are currently two types of transforms defined in DPK:

  • AbstractBinaryTransform which is a base class for all data transforms. Data transforms convert a file of data producing zero or more data files and metadata. A specific class of the binary transform is AbstractTableTransform that consumes and produces data files containing pyarrow tables
  • AbstractFolderTransform which is a base class consuming a folder (that can contain an arbitrary set of files, that need to be processed together) and proces zero or more data files and metadata.

In the discussion that follows, we'll focus on the transformation of pyarrow Tables using the AbstractTableTransform class (see below), supported by Ray Spark and Python runtimes.

AbstractTableTransform class

AbstractTableTransform is expected to be extended when implementing a transform of pyarrow Tables. In general, when possible a transform should be independent of the runtime in which it runs, and the mechanism used to define its configuration (e.g., the TransformConfiguration class below, or other mechanism). That said, some transforms may require facilities provided by the runtime (shared memory, distribution, etc.), but as a starting point, think of the transform as an independent operator.

The following methods are defined:

  • __init__(self, config:dict) - an initializer through which the transform can be created with implementation-specific configuration. For example, the location of a model, maximum number of rows in a table, column(s) to use, etc. Error checking of configuration should be done here.
  • transform(self, table:pyarrow.Table) -> tuple(list[pyarrow.Table], dict) - this method is responsible for the actual transformation of a given table to zero or more output tables, and optional metadata regarding the transformation applied. Zero tables might be returned when merging tables across calls to transform() and more than 1 table might be returned when splitting tables by size or other criteria.
    • output tables list - the RayWork handles the various number of returned tables as follows:
      • 0 - no file will be written out and the input file name will not be used in the output directory.
      • 1 - one parquet file will be written to the output directory with
      • N - N parquet files are written to the output with _<index> appended to the base file name
    • dict - is a dictionary of transform-specific data keyed to numeric values. A statistics component will accumulate/add dictionaries across all calls to transform across all calls to all transforms running in a given runtime (see below). As an example, a transform might wish to track the number of instances of PII entities detected and might return this as { "entities" : 1234 }.
  • flush() -> tuple(list[pyarrow.Table], dict) - this is provided for transforms that make use of buffering (e.g. to resize the tables) across calls to transform() and need to be flushed of all buffered data at the end of processing of input tables.
    The return values are handled the same waa as the return values for transform(). Since most transforms will likely not need this feature, a default implementation is provided to return an empty list and empty dictionary.

TransformConfiguration class

The TransformConfiguration serves as an interface and must be implemented by the any AbstractTableTransform implementation to enable running within and runtime or from a command line to capture transform configuration. It provides the following configuration:

  • the transform class to be used,
  • command line arguments used to initialize the Transform Runtime and generally, the Transform.
  • Transform Runtime class to use
  • transform short name

It is expected that transforms are initialized with a fixed name, the class of its corresponding AbstractTableTransform implementation and optionally the configuration keys that should not be exposed as metadata for a run. To support command line configuration, the TransformConfiguration extends the CLIArgumentProvider class. The set of methods of interest are

  • __init__(self, name:str, transform_class:type[AbstractTableTransform], list[str]:remove_from_metadata ) - sets the required fields
  • add_input_params(self, parser:ArgumentParser) - adds transform-specific command line options that will be made available in the dictionary provided to the transform's initializer.
  • apply_input_params(self, args: argparse.Namespace) - verifies and captures the relevant transform parameters.
  • get_input_params(self ) -> dict[str,Anny] - returns the dictionary of configuration values that should be used to initialize the transform.