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Helper functions for writing little scripts for random build/ci/dev tasks


Helper functions for writing little scripts for random build/ci/dev tasks.


Define the function that should validate the CLI arguments and call your task fn:

// dev/my_task/run_my_task.ts
import { createFlagError, run } from '@kbn/dev-cli-runner';

  async ({ flags, log }) => {
    if (typeof flags.path !== 'string') {
      throw createFlagError('please provide a single --path flag');

    await runTask(flags.path);
    log.success('task complete');
    description: `
      Run my special task
    flags: {
      string: ['path'],
      help: `
        --path             Required, path to the file to operate on

Define the script which will setup node and load the script source:

// scripts/my_task.js


Try out the script:

$ node scripts/my_task

# ERROR please provide a single --path flag
#   node scripts/my_task.js
#   Run my special task
#   Options:
#     --path             Required, path to the file to operate on
#     --verbose, -v      Log verbosely
#     --debug            Log debug messages (less than verbose)
#     --quiet            Only log errors
#     --silent           Don't log anything
#     --help             Show this message


  • run(fn: async ({ flags: Flags, log: ToolingLog, addCleanupTask }) => Promise<void>, options: Options)

    Execte an async function, passing it the parsed flags and a tooling log that is configured to the requested logging level. If the returned promise is rejected with an error created by createFailError(...) or createFlagError(...) the process will exit as described by the error, otherwise the process will exit with code 1.

    fn Params:

    • log: ToolingLog:

      An instance of the ToolingLog that is configured with the standard flags: --verbose, --quiet, --silent, and --debug

    • flags: Flags:

      The parsed CLI flags, created by getopts. Includes the default flags for controlling the log level of the ToolingLog, and flags.unexpected, which is an array of flag names which were passed but not expected.

    • addCleanupTask: (task: CleanupTask) => void:

      A function that registers a task to be called once as soon as one of the following occurs:

      1. fn resolve/rejects
      2. something calls process.exit()
      3. the user hits ctrl+c in their terminal causing the SIGINT signal to be sent to the process


    • usage: string

      A bit of text to replace the default usage in the --help text.

    • description: string

      A bit of text to replace the default description in the --help text.

    • string

      A bit of text included at the top of the Options: section of the --help text.

    • flags.string: string[]

      An array of flag names that are expected to have a string value.

    • flags.boolean: string[]

      An array of flag names that are expected to have a boolean value.

    • flags.alias: { [short: string], string }

      A map of short flag names to long flag names, used to expand short flags like -v to --verbose.

    • flags.default: { [name: string]: string | string[] | boolean | undefined }

      A map of flag names to their default value. If the flag is not defined this value will be set in the flags object passed to the run fn.

    • flags.allowUnexpected: boolean

      By default, any flag that is passed but not mentioned in flags.string, flags.boolean, flags.alias or flags.default will trigger an error, preventing the run function from calling its first argument. If you have a reason to disable this behavior set this option to true. Unexpected flags will be collected from argv into flags.unexpected. To parse these flags and guess at their types, you can additionally pass flags.guessTypesForUnexpectedFlags but that's not recommended.

  • createFailError(reason: string, options: { exitCode: number, showHelp: boolean }): FailError

    Create and return an error object that, when thrown within run(...) can customize the failure behavior of the CLI. reason is printed instead of a stacktrace, options.exitCode customizes the exit code of the process, and options.showHelp will print the help text before exiting.

  • createFlagError(reason: string)

    Shortcut for calling createFailError() with options.showHelp, as errors caused by invalid flags should print the help message to help users debug their usage.

  • isFailError(error: any)

    Determine if a value is an error created by createFailError(...).