A straightforward Indian Income Tax calculator for India
100% FREE professional portfolio website templates
Portfolio for a writer profile | Made with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery & Bootstrap, mostly | Vercel
Portfolio Website generated using Jekyll, Sass, and Gulp.js, to showcase my web presence, résumé, story, & featured projects with a Particle.js aligned theme.
Face detection and emotion recognition website.
facial emotion recognition used in a website made with react
Emotion Recognition Project Adapted in HTML/Javascript/CSS with Tensorflowjs
introducing chatgpt landing page clone
Fight off hordes of classic medieval monsters in this fast paced arcade shooter!
Wish your friend/loved-ones happy birthday in a nerdy way.
A community website built by the community for the community 🎉 (Hacktoberfest Hackathon Project)
This is a stress-relieving website project made for the hackathon Hackofiesta. This project is under the theme Healthcare.
An AI-powered mental health platform, which connects users with empathetic 3D avatars to discuss concerns in a safe, private space.
A clone of the dating app called tinder with full functionalities
Social media clone => Instagram & Facebook
It is a social media website like discord
psych.E's website. psych.E is a mobile app that helps teenagers take control of their own mental health care by using the visual & social media tools they live by. Our Indiegogo campaign - http://i…
My final year project in which i implemented a chat bot from scratch that works as psychiatrist
An anonymous counselling website for teenagers to help them deal with their mental health issues.
DevBlog is a personal blog website.
Human-Computer Interaction, Project - iRave Smartwatch