gobee, a library for enabling support of XBee series 2 and series 3 low power radios to your Go project.
Implement the XBeeTransmitter and XBeeReceiver interfaces, instantiate an XBee, and start communicating, almost... It is up to the gobee user to configure and own the serial port the XBee is connected to and marshal data to/from it to gobee.
type XBeeTransmitter interface {
Transmit([]byte) (int, error)
gobee uses the XBeeTransmitter interface to request a byte slice be sent to the serial communications port the XBee is connected to.
type XBeeReceiver interface {
Receive(rx.RxFrame) error
gobee uses the XBeeReceiver interface to report received API frames.
This the XBee widget used to communicate with the physical XBee.
transmitter := &Transmitter{...} // your XBeeTransmitter
receiver := &Receiver{...} // your XBeeReceiver
xbee := gobee.New(transmitter, receiver)
When sending a frame, construct frame using the appropriate frame builder and hand it to gobee to generate an API frame. gobee will then call the supplied Transmitters Transmit to send the bytes to the UART the XBee is connected to.
at := tx.NewATBuilder().
_, err := xbee.TX(at)
When a frame is transmitted, gobee forms an appropriate API packet (see Transmitting a Frame) and sends it to your XBeeTransmitter for writing to the serial UART the XBee is connected to.
func (tx *Transmitter) Transmit(buffer []byte) (n int, err error) {
i, err := port.Write(buffer)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to write buffer to xbee comms: %v\n", err)
return i, err
When data is received from the serial UART the XBee is connected to, send it to gobee.
n, err := port.Read(buffer)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
err = xbee.RX(buffer[i])
Your implemented XBeeReceiver will get called when completed API frames are received. gobee validates the received API frame and reports the data frame via the XBeeReceiver interface.
func (r *Receiver) Receive(f rx.RxFrame) error {
switch f.(type) {
case *rx.ZB:
// do something with received ZB frame
return nil
gobee is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE for more information.