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Proxy server for ACME DNS challenges written in Go. Works with the httpreq DNS challenge provider in lego.


Acmeproxy was written to provide a way make it easier and safer to automatically issue per-host Let's Encrypt SSL certificates inside a larger network with many different hosts. Especially when these hosts aren't accessible from the outside, so need to use the DNS challenges and therefore DNS API access. The regular approach would be to run an ACME client on every host, which would also mean giving each hosts access to the (full) DNS API. This is both hard to manage and a potential security risk.

As a solution Acmeproxy provides the following:

  • Allow internal hosts to request ACME DNS challenges through a single host, without access to the DNS provider
  • Provide a single (acmeproxy) host that has access to the DNS credentials / API, limiting a possible attack surface
  • Use username/password for clients to prevent unauthorized access

Acmeproxy was written to be run within an internal network, it's not recommended to expose your Acmeproxy host to the outside world. Do so at your own risk.


See the discussions for this idea in lego here


Use the makefile to make the executables. Use make install to also install the executable to /usr/local/bin.


Adjust configuration file

Copy config.yml to a directory (default: /etc/acmeproxy). See below for a configuration example using the transip provider. You need to specify the relevant environment variables for the provider you've chose. See the lego documentation for options per provider. Also see the examples below. If you want to provide proxies for multiple providers, start multiple instances on different hosts/ports (using different config files).

# Environment variables to be used with this provider
 - "TRANSIP_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH=/etc/acmeproxy/transip.key"

# General settings
interface: ""
port: 9096
provider: "transip"
htpasswd-file: "/etc/acmeproxy/htpasswd"
accesslog-file: "/var/log/acmeproxy.log"
log-forcecolors: true
log-forceformatting: true
log-level: debug
log-timestamp: true
 - ""
 - ""
 - ""
 - 172.0.0/16

# Settings for the acmeproxy SSL certificate (used with this interface)
ssl: manual
ssl.manual.cert-file: "/etc/lego/certificates/"
ssl.manual.key-file: "/etc/lego/certificates/" true "" "" "[email protected]" "rsa2048" "/etc/acmeproxy/certmagic" "transip"

Creating username/password file

Use the following command: htpasswd -c /etc/acmeproxy/htpasswd testuser to create a new htpasswd file with user testuser.


Running acmeproxy in the foreground

If you've configured acmeproxy via the config file, you can just run acmeproxy. It will run in the foreground.

Daemon mode

If you want to use acmeproxy as a daemon (in the background) use the supplied acmeproxy.service for systemd and copy it to /etc/systemd/systemd and enable it by systemctl enable acmeproxy.service. Be sure to check the ExecStart variable to see if it points to the right executable (/usr/local/bin/acmeproxy by default).


   acmeproxy - Proxy server for ACME DNS challenges

   acmeproxy [global options] [arguments...]


   --accesslog-file FILE        Location of additional accesslog FILE
   --allowed-domains value      Set the allowed domain(s) that certificates can be requested for.
   --allowed-ips value          Set the allowed IP(s) that can request certificates (CIDR notation possible, see
   --config-file FILE           Load configuration from FILE (default: "/etc/acmeproxy/config.yml")
   --htpasswd-file FILE         Htpassword file FILE for username/password authentication (default: "/root/.acmeproxy/htpasswd")
   --interface value            Interface (ip or host) to bind for requests
   --log-level LEVEL            Log LEVEL (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) (default: "info")
   --log-forcecolors            Force colors on output, even when there is no TTY
   --log-forceformatting        Force formatting on output, even when there is no TTY
   --log-timestamp              Output date/time on standard output log
   --port value                 Port to bind for requests (default: 9095)
   --provider value             DNS challenge provider - see for options, also set relevant environment variables!
   --ssl value                  Provide a HTTPS connection when listening to interface:port (supported: auto or manual)            Read and agree to your CA's legal documents value          Certmagic CA endpoint (default: "") value       Provide an e-mail address to be linked to your certificates (defaults to $EMAIL) value    Key type to use for private keys. Supported: rsa2048, rsa4096, rsa8192, ec256, ec384. (default: "rsa2048") PATH         PATH to store certmagic information (default: "/root/.acmeproxy/certmagic") value    Certmagic DNS provider (defaults to --provider/-p)
   --ssl.manual.cert-file FILE  Location of certificate FILE (when using --ssl/-s)
   --ssl.manual.key-file FILE   Location of key FILE (when using --ssl/-s)
   --help, -h                   show help
   --version, -v                print the version


If you run acmeproxy through systemd and use log-forcecolors: true and log-forceformatting: true - you can use journalctl -xe -o cat -u acmeproxy.service to see the original colored output with timestamps