RISC-V Ibex core with Wishbone B4 interface.
The instruction and data memory interfaces are converted to Wishbone. These examples use shared bus interconnection between masters (instruction bus, data bus) and slaves (e.g. memory, LED driver). For better throughput or latency a crossbar interconnect can be considered.
Simulated with Synopsys VCS.
Program | Cycles | Instructions | CPI |
crc_32 | 43277 | 24714 | 1.75 |
fib | 172 | 107 | 1.61 |
led | 509993 | 382481 | 1.33 |
nettle-aes | 118693 | 63235 | 1.88 |
mean | 1.64 |
Program | Cycles | Instructions | CPI |
crc_32 | 37105 | 23687 | 1.57 |
fib | 165 | 107 | 1.54 |
led | 509993 | 382492 | 1.33 |
nettle-aes | 113482 | 63235 | 1.79 |
mean | 1.56 |
- Wishbone at opencores.org
- ZipCPU for a deeper understanding of the pipelined mode.