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File metadata and controls

68 lines (49 loc) · 4.88 KB

The Bakehouse database is what I use for managing my bakes at the Loafery. Initially it was used for formula scaling (given these formulae for products and intermediate sponges and doughs, what do I need to do to make A dozen large and two dozen small loaves of white, and the same of malthouse brown?), but it also works out my costings for me (if the ingredients cost this much, and I can make this many products in an hour at an hourly rate of £10, and I want a margin of X%, what should I be charging for the product?) That’s not all that I should be able to do with the data though, so this is where I keep track of other possible features that I want to add.


We know timings for bulk ferments and proving, and we know how much oven space we have. It should be possible to take that and work out when to do what

Stock control

As well as tracking ingredient costs, we should track stock levels. It never hurts to have something going “Hang on, there’s only one more sack of that left in the flour storage area, best order some more.

History [20%]

Right now the schema is built around prepping for an isolated single bake. In the long term, as I ramp up production levels, this isn’t going to fly – some of the products have a two or even three day lead time, so the work for a given day can potential involve baking, mixing pre-ferments and shaping up loaves to be baked the next day. In other words, work from three essentially different production orders.


It would be nice to produce a report of what got done on a given day to inject into my file. I believe it’s possible to do something with org-babel to run a query from the org file. To investigate.

Add timestamps to orders

The lines in the order book should know when the order is due. At a bare minimum this is necessary for scheduling, but it also lets the order table be a record of historic orders.

  • Make the timestamp part of the primary key

Tag orders

It’d be handy to be able to tag orders so once the bake is done and the bread is ready for packing and distribution, I know how to fill my trays and label any bags. Something like:

Large White Wild1ScroobyJimWednesday
Large White Wild1ScroobyMattWednesday
Small Seedy1ScroobyFredWednesday
Large White Tin10DeliThursday
Large Seedy Tin8DeliThursday

Price history

Ingredients should have a price and a date at which they were bought at that price. Costings calculations should use the most recent price.

Supplier tracking

Ingredients should be labeled with a supplier – we have to track that anyway, so the info might as well live in the database. It’s probably worth adding a batch_info field or some such as well in case of recalls etc.

Add supplier table

Add supplier column to ingredient

Use ingredient.datestamp in views

  • Add (ingredient,datestamp) as the ingredient primary key
  • Fix material_cost to use the most recent ingredient price

CRM [%]

Keep track of regular customers, contact them at appropriate times and through appropriate channels. Let them set up standing (and maybe template) orders.

Standing orders

Capture standing orders. Should have the customer, product, bake day and quantity and a period over which the order is valid. We need to retain ‘old’ and cancelled orders so as to make ‘historic’ queries accurate (as we do with other queries like production_list). Live standing orders should feed into the production_list.

Customer table

Holds customer details. Contact method, usual order days, that sort of thing. Also, some metadata about how we got that contact and when.

Customer ‘mailouts’

Automatically remind regular (and interested) customers when there’s a bake day coming up and solicit orders. There MUST be a way for them to opt out.

Check data rules on holding a customer database



We need to tell the customer what allergens are in a loaf. If we tie this to the ingredients then we can have a function that returns all the allergens associated with a recipe or product.

Web/Alexa interface

At the moment, I tend to copy bits of the production list onto a bit of paper when I mix stuff. This works, but it’s not ideal. A raspberry pi and a small screen by the weighing station with info on what’s to be done next would be very handy. Or an Alexa skill along the same lines.