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Firebase Auth with Rocket, batteries included

  • Tiny: rocket-firebase-auth is tiny, with features allowing you to make it even tinier
  • Does one thing well: Encodes/decodes Firebase JWT tokens in Rocket apps, and that's it

Getting started

1. Set Firebase service account keys as env variables

If you haven't already, create a service account in Firebase for the Rocket backend you are creating. Generate a new private key and copy-paste the generated json into a firebase-credentials.json file. It should look something like the json snippet below.

  "type": "*********",
  "project_id": "***********",
  "private_key_id": "*************",
  "private_key": "*****************",
  "client_email": "*********",
  "client_id": "*******",
  "auth_uri": "********",
  "token_uri": "********",
  "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "********",
  "client_x509_cert_url": "********"

Don't forget to add the firebase-credentials.json file to your .gitignore.

# Firebase service account's secret credentials

2. Setup FirebaseAuth and get started

Add rocket-firebase-auth to your project.

rocket_firebase_auth = "0.5"

Now, you can create a FirebaseAuth struct by reading the json file with a helper function included with the default import.

use rocket::{get, http::Status, routes, Build, Rocket};
use rocket_firebase_auth::{FirebaseAuth, FirebaseToken};

// Setup the server state, which will include your FirebaseAuth instance, among
// other things like the connection pool to your database.
struct ServerState {
    auth: FirebaseAuth,

async fn hello_world(token: FirebaseToken) -> Status {
    println!("Authentication succeeded with uid={}", token.sub);

async fn rocket() -> Rocket<Build> {
    let firebase_auth = FirebaseAuth::builder()

        .mount("/", routes![hello_world])
        .manage(ServerState {
            auth: firebase_auth,

Example projects

For a more detailed example with a frontend example as well, checkout the example projects .


To run tests, run the following command:

cargo test -- --test-threads=1


Any contributions (PRs, Issues) are welcomed!


If you have any questions, however trivial it may seem, please let me know via Issues. I will respond!
