Create nemesis nodes with alternate, at best faulty, at worst intentionally destructive behavior traits.
The first argument determines the behavior strain. The currently supported are:
To define integration tests create file
in the toml format as used with zombienet
under ./integrationtests
describing the network to spawn and
also the feature
file (with .feature
extension ) using the format
defined in the DSL doc.
Assumes you already gained permissiones, ping in element to get access. and you have cloned the zombienet repo.
To launch a test case in the development cluster use (e.g. for the ./node/malus/integrationtests/0001-dispute-valid-block.toml):
# declare the containers pulled in by zombie-net test definitions
# login chore, once, with the values as provided in the above guide
gcloud auth login
gcloud config set project "parity-zombienet"
gcloud container clusters get-credentials "parity-zombienet" --zone "europe-west3-b" --project parity-zombienet
# launching the actual test
cd zombienet
npm run build
node dist/cli.js test <path to polkadot repo>/node/malus/integrationtests/0001-dispute-valid-block.feature
# Access logs (in google cloud storage)
gsutil ls gs://zombienet-logs/zombie-<namespace uniqueId>/logs/
This will also teardown the namespace after completion.
In order to build the container image you need to have the latest changes from polkadot and substrate master branches.
pwd # run this from the current dir
podman build -t paritypr/malus:v1 -f Containerfile ../../..