- Damien Pellier ([email protected])
- http://lig-membres.imag.fr/pellier/
PDDL4J is an open source library under LGPL license.
The purpose of PDDL4J is to facilitate the development of JAVA tools for Automated Planning based on PDDL language (Planning Domain Description Language). Automated planning and scheduling, in the relevant literature often denoted as simply planning, is a branch of artificial intelligence that concerns the realization of strategies or action sequences, typically for execution by intelligent agents, autonomous robots and unmanned vehicles.
PDDL was originally developed by Drew McDermott and the 1998 planning competition committee. It was inspired by the need to encourage the empirical comparison of planning systems and the exchange of planning benchmarks within the community. Its development improved the communication of research results and triggered an explosion in performance, expressivity and robustness of planning systems.
PDDL has become a de facto standard language for describing planning domains, not only for the competition but more widely, as it offers an opportunity to carry out empirical evaluation of planning systems on a growing collection of generally adopted standard benchmark domains. The emergence of a language standard will have an impact on the entire field, influencing what is seen as central and what peripheral in the development of planning systems.
The library contains:
- A PDDL 3.1 parser and all the classes need to manipulate its concepts. The parser can be configured to accept only specified requirements of PDDL language.
- A set of useful pre-processing mechanisms in order to instantiate and simply operators into ground actions based on inertia properties.
- A set of already implemented classical heuristics, e.g., h_ff, h_max, etc.
- Several examples of planners using PDDL4J.
The pddl4j library is package with "gradle". If ant is not installed on your computer, go to https://gradle.org/ and install it.
Type at the root of the PDDL4J distribution:
./gradlew build
if you want to build the project with findbug:
./gradlew build -Pfindbug
The jar "pddl4j-VERSION.jar" is available in the build/libs directory.
The pddl4j library can be used as a jar file called "pddl4j-VERSION.jar" in the "libs" directory of the release. Therefore, include the jar in our classpath and enjoy it.
All the documentations are contained in the doc directory.
To generate the javadoc just type:
./gradlew javadoc
Planners are available in the "planners" package of the distribution. For instance, this archive contains a simple planner based on A* search strategy called HSP. To launch this planner use the following command line:
java -javaagent:build/libs/pddl4j-VERSION.jar -server -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m fr.uga.pddl4j.planners.hsp.HSP -o pddl/blocksworld/domain.pddl -f pddl/blocksworld/p15.pddl
Or use the gradle run command:
gradle run -PArgs=-o,pddl/blocksworld/domain.pddl,-f,pddl/blocksworld/p15.pddl
Note: A set of planning problems is available in the web site of the international planning competition: http://ipc.icaps-conference.org.
PDDL4J v3.6.0
- Adding Fast Forward planner
- Adding Enforced Hill Climbing planner
- Adding depth attibute in Node class
- Converting cost and heuristic in double
- Fix bugs
- Adding parseFromString method (it's is now possible to parse a string containing a pddl domain and/or problem)
- Refactor Parser class and fix bugs
JUnit tests
- Adding tests for all the planners, CodedProblem, Encoder, Parser, Plan, etc.
- Refactor and fix bugs
- Change AdaptatorJavaJson to JsonAdapter
- Fix logger and standard outputs
- Throws uncatched exceptions
- Fix bugs