This script can be used to enable/disable event channels related to Hyper-V and create a consolidated evtx file from these channels.
To download and install the module on your local system, you can use an administrative PowerShell:
# Download the current module from GitHub
Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile "HyperVLogs.psm1"
# Import the module
Import-Module .\HyperVLogs.psm1
When you would like to analyze an issue with a virtual machine or debug the behavior of a Hyper-V host, you can use the HyperVLogs.psm1
PowerShell module to help.
To collect events from the broadest set of event channels, please run the following commands after importing the module:
# Enable the Hyper-V related event channels and remember
# the start time to reduce number of events collected
Enable-EventChannels -HyperVChannels All
$startTime = Get-Date
Then, reproduce the issue, and finally coalesce the events from the event channels into a single .evtx file:
# Write the events that happened after start time to a single file
Save-EventChannels -HyperVChannels All -StartTime $startTime
# Diable analytical and operational event channels
Disable-EventChannels -HyperVChannels All