Laravel Driver for Pepipost
A Mail Driver with support for Pepipost Send Email Web API, using the original Laravel API. This library extends the original Laravel classes, so it uses exactly the same methods.
To use this package required your Pepipost Api Key. Please make it Here.
We are trying to make our libraries Community Driven- which means we need your help in building the right things in proper order we would request you to help us by sharing comments, creating new issues or pull requests.
We welcome any sort of contribution to this library.
The latest 1.0.0 version of this library provides is fully compatible with the latest Pepipost v2.0 API.
For any update of this library check Releases.
- Installation
- Quick Start
- Usage of library in Project
- Sample Example
- Announcements
- Roadmap
- About
- License
A free account on Pepipost. If you don't have a one, click here to signup.
laravel new testproject
"require": {
"pepipost/pepipost-laravel-driver": "~1.0"
$ composer require pepipost/pepipost-laravel-driver
Add the pepipost service provider in config/app.php: (Laravel 5.5+ uses Package Auto-Discovery, so doesn't require you to manually add the ServiceProvider.)
'providers' => [ Pepipost\PepipostLaravelDriver\PepipostTransportServiceProvider::class ];
Add pepipost api key, endpoint in config/services.php
'pepipost' => [ 'api_key' => env('PEPIPOST_API_KEY'), ],
endpoint config If you need to set custom endpoint, you can set any endpoint by using endpoint key. For example,calls to Pepipost Web API through a proxy,configure endpoint in config/services.php. 'pepipost' => [ 'api_key' => env('PEPIPOST_API_KEY'), 'endpoint' => '', ],
Add following in .env file
Define Controller
php artisan make:controller TestController
create file in resources/views/viewname/name.blade.php and include your email content
include following function sendMail in TestController to send as content of email and initialize $data to use it on view page
function sendMail(){ Mail::send('',$data, function ($message) { $message ->to('[email protected]', 'foo_name') ->from('[email protected]', 'sender_name') ->subject('subject') ->cc('[email protected]','recipient_cc_name') ->bcc('[email protected]','recipient_bcc_name') ->replyTo('[email protected]','recipient_bcc') ->attach('/myfilename.pdf'); }); return 'Email sent successfully'; }
Create Route in routes/web.php
Route::get('/send/email', 'TestController@sendMail')->name('sendEmail');
Host your laravel project and enter url- in browser
This will send email and display Email sent successfully on browser.
IF want to pass others parameters of Pepipost SendEmail API use embedData function and include below code as below Add parameters as per your requirement. Do not use multiple to's,cc's,bcc's with this method.
function sendMail(){
Mail::send('',$data, function ($message) {
->to('[email protected]', 'foo_name')
->from('[email protected]', 'sender_name')
->cc('[email protected]','recipient_cc_name')
->bcc('[email protected]','recipient_bcc_name')
->replyTo('[email protected]','recipient_bcc')
'personalizations' => ['attributes'=>['ACCOUNT_BAL'=>'String','NAME'=>'NAME'],'x-apiheader'=>'x-apiheader_value','x-apiheader_cc'=>'x-apiheader_cc_value'],'settings' => ['bcc'=>'[email protected]','clicktrack'=>1,'footer'=>1,'opentrack'=>1,'unsubscribe'=>1 ],'tags'=>'tags_value','templateId'=>''
return 'Email sent successfully';
For multiple to's,cc's,bcc's pass recipient,recipient_cc,recipient_bcc as below, create personalizations as required
function sendMail(){
Mail::send('',$data, function ($message) {
->from('[email protected]', 'sender_name')
'personalizations' => [['recipient'=>'[email protected]','attributes'=>['ACCOUNT_BAL'=>'String','NAME'=>'name'],'recipient_cc'=>['[email protected]','[email protected]'],'recipient_bcc'=>['[email protected]','[email protected]'],'x-apiheader'=>'x-apiheader_value','x-apiheader_cc'=>'x-apiheader_cc_value'],['recipient'=>'[email protected]','attributes'=>['ACCOUNT_BAL'=>'String','NAME'=>'name'],'x-apiheader'=>'x-apiheader_value','x-apiheader_cc'=>'x-apiheader_cc_value']],'settings' => ['bcc'=>'[email protected]','clicktrack'=>1,'footer'=>1,'opentrack'=>1,'unsubscribe'=>1 ],'tags'=>'tags_value','templateId'=>''
return 'Email sent successfully';
v1.0.0 has been released! Please see the release notes for details.
All updates to this library are documented in our releases. For any queries, feel free to reach out us at [email protected]
If you are interested in the future direction of this project, please take a look at our open issues and pull requests. We would love to hear your feedback.
pepipost-laravel library is guided and supported by the Pepipost Developer Experience Team . This pepipost library is maintained and funded by Pepipost Ltd. The names and logos for pepipost gem are trademarks of Pepipost Ltd.