cd to top directory and build things
$ cd pyimfit_working
$ python3 setup.py uninstall; python3 setup.py clean; python3 setup.py develop
This is for other people; also for future testing purposes
Install necessary libraries: FFTW3, GNU Scientific Library (GSL), NLopt
Linux: install libraries using preferred package manager (Note: Be sure GSL is at least version 2.0!)
macOS: install libraries using preferred package manager. With Homebrew:
brew install fftw brew install gsl brew install nlopt
If you will be using the default Apple/Xcode compilers, you also need to install the OpenMP library. With Homebrew:
brew install libomp
Install using pip (since PyImfit is Python-3-only, use
unless the only version of Python you have is Python 3)pip3 install pyimfit
Update version number in pyimfit/init.py
Mac: Build source and binary distributions:
$ python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
Mac: Edit wheel to include dynamic libraries
$ cd dist $ delocate-wheel -w fixed_wheels -v pyimfit-<VERSION>-cp37-cp37m-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl
Test uploading to TestPyPI (upload source-dist and modified wheel)
$ twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/pyimfit-.tar.gz dist/fixed_wheels/*
(To upload an updated version, specify the latest wheel file explicitly instead of "dist/*".)
Create a new virtualenv (see Installing Packages for detailed instructions) and install your package from TestPyPI:
$ pip install numpy scipy astropy ipython
$ pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ pyimfit-working
If things work OK, upload to regular PyPI:
python3 -m twine upload dist/pyimfit-.tar.gz dist/fixed_wheels/*
Note: Currently we do not attempt to build a binary wheel for Linux, since that's sort of a confusing nightmare.