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Django Podcast Content Aggregator

Note: The project is built with Python 3.9.1, but should work with any version of Python higher than 3.6.

About This Repository

This is a companion project to the Build a Content Aggregator in Python tutorial on Real Python. Visit the article to follow along or download the content of source_code_final/ folder from this repository.

How To Run The Project

Create and activate a Python virtual environment for your operating system and install the dependencies:

(.venv) $ python -m pip install -r <path_to_requirements.txt>

You can find the requirements.txt file in source_code_setup/requirements.txt.

Navigate to source_code_final/ and start the Django development server:

(.venv) $ cd source_code_final
(.venv) $ python runserver

You can now navigate to localhost:8000 in your browser and inspect the finished project. You can also take a look at the project at certain steps as described in the associated tutorial.