timelyportfolio / quak
Forked from manzt/quaka scalable data profiler for quickly scanning large tables in Jupyter
Delanii / lua-filters
Forked from pandoc/lua-filtersA collection of lua filters for pandoc
auto-mat / scitace
Forked from PetrDlouhy/scitaceGenerátor grafů z Pražských cyklosčítačů
thomasp85 / gtable
Forked from r-lib/gtableThe layout packages that powers ggplot2
dpseidel / tidyjson
Forked from colearendt/tidyjsonTidy your JSON data in R with tidyjson
QGIS plugin for downloading RUIAN data
QGIS plugin for Czech cadastral data
trapias / TrelloExport
Forked from llad/export-for-trelloChrome extension to export Trello boards to Excel, Markdown, HTML, OPML and CSV
saxicek /
Forked from ryanj/restify-postGISApplication showing waste containers in Prague
bcaffo / courses
Forked from DataScienceSpecialization/coursesCourse materials for the Data Science Specialization:
yihui / shinyWP
Forked from mingsnu/knit2wp-shinyUIA shiny app to post blog posts from R Markdown to WordPress
alexbbrown / g3plot-1
Forked from alexbbrownIntel/g3plotg3plot release 1 from intel