This module provides various federated machine learning algorithms for users.
This component is typically the first component of a modeling task. It will transform user-uploaded date into Instance object which can be used for the following components.
Corresponding module name: DataIO
Data Input: DTable, values are raw data. Data Output: Transformed DTable, values are data instance define in federatedml/feature/
Compute intersect data set of two parties without leakage of difference set information. Mainly used in hetero scenario task.
Corresponding module name: Intersection
Data Input: DTable Data Output: DTable which keys are occurred in both parties.
Federated Sampling data so that its distribution become balance in each party.This module support both federated and standalone version
Corresponding module name: FederatedSample
Data Input: DTable Data Output: the sampled data, supports both random and stratified sampling.
Module for feature scaling and standardization.
Corresponding module name: FeatureScale
Data Input: DTable, whose values are instances. Data Output: Transformed DTable. Model Output: Transform factors like min/max, mean/std.
With binning input data, calculates each column's iv and woe and transform data according to the binned information.
Corresponding module name: HeteroFeatureBinning
Data Input: DTable with y in guest and without y in host. Data Output: Transformed DTable. Model Output: iv/woe, split points, event counts, non-event counts etc. of each column.
Transfer a column into one-hot format.
Corresponding module name: OneHotEncoder Data Input: Input DTable. Data Output: Transformed DTable with new headers. Model Output: Original header and feature values to new header map.
Provide 5 types of filters. Each filters can select columns according to user config.
Corresponding module name: HeteroFeatureSelection Data Input: Input DTable. Model Input: If iv filters used, hetero_binning model is needed. Data Output: Transformed DTable with new headers and filtered data instance. Model Output: Whether left or not for each column.
Build hetero logistic regression module through multiple parties.
Corresponding module name: HeteroLR Data Input: Input DTable. Model Output: Logistic Regression model.
Build homo logistic regression module through multiple parties.
Corresponding module name: HomoLR Data Input: Input DTable. Model Output: Logistic Regression model.
Build hetero secure boosting model through multiple parties.
Corresponding module name: HeteroSecureBoost
Data Input: DTable, values are instances. Model Output: SecureBoost Model, consists of model-meta and model-param
Output the model evaluation metrics for user.
Corresponding module name: Evaluation
More available algorithms are coming soon.