remind-utils Public
Tool to help integrate remind cli with other calendars
Rust MIT License UpdatedOct 23, 2023 -
dwmblocks Public
Forked from torrinfail/dwmblocksModular status bar for dwm written in c.
C ISC License UpdatedOct 14, 2023 -
remark-reading-time Public
Forked from mattjennings/remark-reading-timeAdds estimated reading time to your markdown files
sidekick-dashboard Public
I've got a tiny vertical monitor to display some pretty things
enum-fp Public
Functional Enum type / Sum type for javascript with simple pattern matching
nvim-flake-plugin-manager Public
An experiment to manage neovim plugins with nix flakes with support for lazy loading
esbuild-plugin-elm Public
An esbuild plugin for building elm projects
cmp-graphql Public
Neovim nvim-cmp source for graphql completions based on schema
neorg-timelog Public
Neorg module to allow logging time
nvim-extra-codelens Public
Neovim plugin to show type information as virtual text for LSP's that don't support codelens
pattern-lock-js Public
Pattern lock library for the web using canvas
algebraic-effects Public
Manage side-effects in your javascript application cleanly with algebraic effects
easyeffects-cli Public
A cli for updating input effect settings inside easyeffects on the fly
ts-types-runtime Public
A runtime for typescript's type system that turns it into a general purpose, purely functional programming language with effects!
advent-of-coolio-2022 Public
AoC in a different thing everyday
use-tiny-state-machine Public
A tiny (~700 bytes) react hook to help you write finite state machines
pipey Public
Create pipeline operator ready functions by converting instance methods's to context-free functions
shade-lang Public
Toy lang for toy stuff that does things and compiles
buddhabrot Public
Naive buddhabrot render on a canvas
brainfuck-ts-types Public
A brainfuck interpreter running within the typescript type system
register Public
Forked from is-a-dev/registerGrab your own sweet-looking '.is-a.dev' subdomain
artemis-rpi Public
Nixos image builder and server configuration for my raspberry pi 4 server
derw Public
Forked from eeue56/derwAn Elm-inspired language that transpiles to TypeScript
nixpkgs Public
Forked from NixOS/nixpkgsNix Packages collection
ulmus-desktop Public
A framework for building cross-platform desktop applications entirely in Elm
elm-json Public
Forked from zwilias/elm-jsonInstall, upgrade and uninstall Elm dependencies
list Public
Forked from publicsuffix/listThe Public Suffix List
Go Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedJun 6, 2022 -
nix-android-apps Public
An experimental nix overlay to support installing/updating android apps declaratively
midibinds Public
An experiment to use my midi keyboard as a secondary keyboard for executing commands and macros