Software to record and convert moving images from Apertus° AXIOM cameras via USB3 or ethernet.
git clone
cd recorder
cargo run buid --release --all # add --features mp4_encoder if you want to write .mp4 files
If you want to be able to use the mpeg-encoder, add --features mp4_encoder
to your cargo
commands. This requires you to install the following packages
(on ubuntu): libavformat-dev
, libavcodec-dev
, libavfilter-dev
, libavdevice-dev
, clang
, libclang
This project contains two binaries. One GUI tool for recording / previewing footage and one CLI tool for offline converting already recorded footage.
$ cargo run --release --bin recorder -- --help
AXIOM recorder 0.1
record raw footage from AXIOM cameras
recorder [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --height <height> --video-source <video_source> --width <width>
--help Prints help information
--no-histogram disables the histogram calculation. potentially saves A LOT of cpu ressources
-V, --version Prints version information
--debayer-options <debayer-options> Combine a 'source_*' with a 'debayer_*'. Builtin available options are
* debayer_halfresolution.glsl() [resolution_div: 2]
* debayer_linearinterpolate.glsl() []
* source_lin.glsl() []
* source_log.glsl(out_bits: 8, in_bits: 12, a: 0.021324) []
--fps <fps>
-h, --height <height>
-s, --video-source <video_source> a URI that describes the video source to use. Can be file:// or tcp://
-w, --width <width>
Assuming you have a set of files ending in .raw12
in the directory test/Darkbox-Timelapse-Clock-Sequence/
you can play them debayered at half resolution using:
cargo run --release -- --loop --no-histogram --height 3072 --width 4096 --video-source 'file://test/Darkbox-Timelapse-Clock-Sequence/*.raw12' --debayer-options 'source_beta(); debayer_halfresolution_real();'
For full resolution debayering use
cargo run --release -- --loop --no-histogram --height 3072 --width 4096 --video-source 'file://test/Darkbox-Timelapse-Clock-Sequence/*.raw12' --debayer-options 'source_beta(); debayer_beta_linearinterpolate_quick();'
$ cargo run --release --bin converter -- --help
Raw Image / Video Converter 0.1
convert raw footage from AXIOM cameras into other formats.
converter [OPTIONS] --input <input> --output <output>
--help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
--bitrate <bitrate>
--debayer-options <debayer-options> Combine a 'source_*' with a 'debayer_*'. Builtin available options are
* source_lin.glsl() []
* debayer_linearinterpolate.glsl() []
* debayer_halfresolution.glsl() [resolution_div: 2]
* source_log.glsl(in_bits: 12, a: 0.021324, out_bits: 8) []
--fps <fps>
--gop-size <gop-size>
-h, --height <height>
-i, --input <input> the path of the input video / image
--max-b-frames <max-b-frames>
-o, --output <output> the path of the output video / image
-w, --width <width>