The Python micro framework for building web applications.
A very fast and expressive template engine.
The comprehensive WSGI web application library.
The microblogging application developed in my Flask Mega-Tutorial series. This version maps to the 2024 Edition of the tutorial.
A PoC backdoor that uses Gmail as a C&C server
Implementation of StackOverflow's "PageDown" markdown editor for Flask and Flask-WTF.
A Python module to create Brazilian "Boletos de Cobrança" for multiple banks
Converts a wav file to a secuence of *beep* PC-speaker calls
A text based python implementation of the Reversi game with an artificial intelligence as opponent.
(Portuguese) Este pequeno programa escrito em python3 serve para calcular o score APACHE II ("Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II") que utilizado para estratificar o prognóstico de pa…
An easy way to download any file in "" and your dependencies.