🎉 A magical vue admin
Tool for visualizing GitHub profiles
Vue 2.0 admin management system template based on iView
A admin template based on vue + element-ui. 基于vue + element-ui的后台管理系统基于 vue + element-ui 的后台管理系统
Vuestic Admin is an open-source, ready-to-use admin template suite designed for rapid development, easy maintenance, and high accessibility. Built on Vuestic UI, Vue 3, Vite, Pinia, and Tailwind CS…
Status Page for monitoring your websites and applications with beautiful graphs, analytics, and plugins. Run on any type of environment.
read pnginfo in stable diffusion generated images / inspect models
💎 Frontend access control framework based Vue
1.领取美团和饿了么红包 2.分销功能,用户推荐给其他人,还能拿到下级的返利 3.公众号推送,每天提醒用户点餐 4.返利提现,订单的返利,用户可以直接提现到微信钱包 5.推广海报生成,用户可以生成自己的专属海报,实现分销,赚取佣金
A redis client application on mac, windows and linux.