PHP application for generating stats for International PHP Facebook group.
What is the benefit of the points?
We could never possibly thank properly enough for contributions from members in this group. This group is all about open source spirit and helping others. These points will help you check your contribution activity in our group compared to other members and bring some fun in PHP back. Leetness in the universe is also not excluded for getting higher score than other members :)
How are points calculated?
- Each post, each comment and each reply to a comment in the group gets you one point.
- Number of likes of your topic, comment or reply gets you extra points.
- More detailed comments and replies get you extra points.
- Sequential comments and replies on topic from same members are merged and calculated as one.
- Topics, comments and replies with recommended links get you extra points.
- Topics with only image and lacky description or question aren't rewarded with points.
- Topics with disabled comments aren't rewarded with points. Comments are in most cases turned off by administrators for various reasons, such as not following the group's code of conduct or low quality.
- Offensive messages and inappropriate links can get you negative points.
- Some topics (such as administrators announcements and similar) are awarded with extra points as a recognition for special contributions to the group.
What is the default points configuration and why such configuration for calculation?
Configuration for calculating the points aims to encourages the group code of conduct and recommended netiquette for online communication in internet communities such as this. All the configuration parameters are described in details in the points.yml and offensive_words.yml files and have been carefully set for this group.
Why some sites are not recommended and get negative points?
Answering other people's questions. is a very important part of being a member in development community. Group aims for quality discussions and not every answer and resource is always the best for the given situation. To promote the best possible answers, some links are not recommended and get you negative points. Every developer should know how to use search engines but question was probably asked for a reason. More experienced users might suggest better resource than those listed on the first pages of the search engines.
To install this application locally, do the following:
Register Facebook Application
Install Code
git clone git:// cd stats composer install
Adjust Configuration
file for your settings:fb_app_id: 123456789012312 fb_app_secret: 9xdlsd93kdcd3jkd start_datetime: '2015-07-20 00:00:00' end_datetime: '2015-07-26 23:59:59' last_member_name: 'John Doe' last_blocked_count: 123 new_blocked_count: 321 top_topics: - title: "20 years of PHP" url: ""
Configuration parameters are described in comments in parameters.yml.dist and other default configuration files.
Run tests:
Generate report
php app/console generate
- Clear all generated logs in the log folder
$ php app/console clearlogs
This repository is released under the MIT license.
You are welcome to suggest improvements or open a ticket.