Pokémon UNITE scoreboard HUD and extra tools running over captured game feeds.
For beta support, message me on twitter
- The server opens port 17069 by default as a Websocket and HTTP endpoint.
- The client sends a GET request every second to the server and updates it's page.
"purple": {
"team": "purple",
"value": 254,
"kos": 12
"orange": {
"team": "orange",
"value": 367,
"kos": 21
"self": {
"team": "self",
"value": 43,
"seconds": 59,
"balls": 34,
"regis": [
"bottom": [
"name": "regice",
"team": "orange",
"time": 1676760349
"name": "regirock",
"team": "purple",
"time": 1676760390
"name": "registeel",
"team": "orange",
"time": 1676760391
"started": true,
"stacks": 3,
"defeated": [
"match": true,
"config": false,
"profile": "player",
"version": "v1.1",
"rayquaza": "orange",
"events": [
"[2:00] Defeated with points",
"[1:45] Rayquaza orange secure"
- This project is currently in a beta state.
- It would be possible for matching techniques to produce duplicated, unaccounted-for, and false postitive matches.
- Winner/Loser confidence is successful ~99% of the time.
- Score tracking is ~90% accurate, certain game mechanics (like rotom scoring points) are extremely difficult to process.
- Users are encouraged to report issues, or contribute where they can to help polish a final product.
- Head into Pokémon UNITE's Practice Mode and verify UniteHUD is capturing time/orbs/enemy score/self score.
- Use the "Configure" button to verify the selection areas.