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#Linkedin Wherehows - a Metadata data warehouse

Wherehows works by sending out ‘crawlers’ to capture metadata from databases, hdfs, directory services, schedulers, and data integration tools. The collected metadata is loaded into an integrated data warehouse. Wherehows provides a web-ui service and a backend service.

Wherehows comes in three operational components:

  • A web-ui service
  • Backend service
  • Database schema for MySQL

The backend service provides the RESTful api but more importantly runs the ETL jobs that go and gather the metadata. The backend service relies heavily on the mysql wherehows database instance for configuration information and as a location for where the metadata will land.

The Web UI provides navigation between the bits of information and the ability to annotate the collected data with comments, ownership and more. The example below is for collecting Hive metadata collected from the Cloudera Hadoop VM

Configuration notes: MySQL database for the Wherehows metadata database

host:	<mysqlhost>
db:		wherehows
user:	wherehows
pass:	wherehows

Wherehows application directory (in test):

Host:	<edge node>
Folder:	/opt/wherehows

Key notes:

Please become familiar with these pages:

First set env variables for Play (Activator):

export WH_HOME=~/development/wherehows/src/deployment/
export ACTIVATOR_HOME="$HOME/activator-1.3.11-minimal"
export SBT_OPTS="-Xms1G -Xmx1G -Xss2M"


./gradlew build dist


Download/upload the distribution binaries, unzip to


Create temp space for wherehows

sudo mkdir /var/tmp/wherehows
sudo chmod a+rw /var/tmp/wherehows
sudo mkdir /var/tmp/wherehows/resource
cd /opt/wherehows/backend-service-1.0-SNAPSHOT

Ensure that wherehows configuration tables are initialized by running the insert scripts (download 1.9 KB wherehows.dump ). Please note, to change the mysql host property for wherehows database (on ). The initial SQL:

-- Dumping data for table `wh_etl_job`

INSERT INTO `wh_etl_job` VALUES (21,'HIVE_DATASET_METADATA_ETL','DATASET','5 * * * * ?',61,'DB',NULL,1470390365,'comments','','Y');

-- Dumping data for table `wh_etl_job_property`

INSERT INTO `wh_etl_job_property` VALUES (117,'HIVE_DATASET_METADATA_ETL',61,'DB','hive.metastore.jdbc.url','jdbc:mysql://','N','url to connect to hive metastore'),(118,'HIVE_DATASET_METADATA_ETL',61,'DB','hive.metastore.jdbc.driver','com.mysql.jdbc.Driver','N',NULL),(119,'HIVE_DATASET_METADATA_ETL',61,'DB','hive.metastore.password','hive','N',NULL),(120,'HIVE_DATASET_METADATA_ETL',61,'DB','hive.metastore.username','hive','N',NULL),(121,'HIVE_DATASET_METADATA_ETL',61,'DB','hive.schema_json_file','/var/tmp/wherehows/hive_schema.json','N',NULL),(122,'HIVE_DATASET_METADATA_ETL',61,'DB','hive.schema_csv_file','/var/tmp/wherehows/hive_schema.csv','N',NULL),(123,'HIVE_DATASET_METADATA_ETL',61,'DB','hive.field_metadata','/var/tmp/wherehows/hive_field_metadata.csv','N',NULL);

-- Table structure for table `wh_property`

-- Dumping data for table `wh_property`

INSERT INTO `wh_property` VALUES ('wherehows.app_folder','/var/tmp/wherehows','N',NULL),('wherehows.db.driver','com.mysql.jdbc.Driver','N',NULL),('wherehows.db.jdbc.url','jdbc:mysql://localhost/wherehows','N',NULL),('wherehows.db.password','wherehows','N',NULL),('wherehows.db.username','wherehows','N',NULL),('wherehows.encrypt.master.key.loc','/var/tmp/wherehows/.wherehows/master_key','N',NULL),('wherehows.ui.tree.dataset.file','/var/tmp/wherehows/resource/dataset.json','N',NULL),('wherehows.ui.tree.flow.file','/var/tmp/wherehows/resource/flow.json','N',NULL);

The hive metastore (as MySQL database) properties need to match the hadoop cluster:

Host	 <metastore host>
Port	 3306
Username hive
Password hive
URL		 jdbc:mysql://<metastore host>:3306/metastore

Set the hive metastore driver class to com.mysql.jdbc.Driver other properties per configuration.

Ensure these JAR files are present



To run the backend service: Set these variables to configure the application (or edit conf/database.conf)

export WHZ_DB_URL=jdbc:mysql://<mysql host>:3306/wherehows
export WHZ_DB_USERNAME=wherehows
export WHZ_DB_PASSWORD=wherehows
export WHZ_DB_HOST=<mysql host>

Run backend service application on port 9001 (from the backend-service folder run:

$ACTIVATOR_HOME/bin/activator “run -Dhttp.port=9001”

In separate window, monitor tail -f $APP_HOME/logs/console.log

Open browser to http://<edge node>:9001/ This will show ‘TEST’. This is the RESTful api endpoint

Run the web ui

cd <web ui deployment dir>
cd web
# <ensure the conf/*.conf files are configured>
$ACTIVATOR_HOME/bin/activator run

Next steps

Once the Hive ETL is fully flushed out, look at the HDFS metadata ETL Configure multiple Hive & HDFS jobs to gather data from all Hadoop clusters Add additional crawlers, for Oracle, Teradata, ETL and schedulers


To check the configuration properties:

select * from wh_etl_job;
select * from wh_etl_job_property;
select * from wh_property;

select distinct wh_etl_job_name from wh_etl_job;

select j.wh_etl_job_name, j.ref_id_type, j.ref_id,
       coalesce(d.db_code, a.app_code) db_or_app_code,
       j.cron_expr, p.property_name, p.property_value
from wh_etl_job j join wh_etl_job_property p
  on j.wh_etl_job_name = p.wh_etl_job_name
 and j.ref_id_type = p.ref_id_type
 and j.ref_id = p.ref_id
     left join cfg_database d
  on j.ref_id = d.db_id
 and j.ref_id_type = 'DB'
     left join cfg_application a
  on j.ref_id = a.app_id
 and j.ref_id_type = 'APP'
where j.wh_etl_job_name = 'HIVE_DATASET_METADATA_ETL'
--  and j.ref_id = 123
/*  based on cfg_database or cfg_application */
order by j.wh_etl_job_name, db_or_app_code, p.property_name;

To log in the first time to the web UI:

You have to create an account. In the upper right corner there is a "Not a member yet? Join Now" link. Click on that and get a form to fill out.