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File metadata and controls

234 lines (171 loc) · 6.09 KB


Flex is a Swagger 2.0 validator. It is stable but at this point its development is in maintenance mode. However, we do accept all types of pull requests, so please get involved at GitHub!

General Use

install flex

$ pip install flex

Then in your code.

import flex

schema = flex.load('path/to/schema.yaml')

Supported Schema Formats

The flex.load function supports the following.

  • A url to either a json or yaml schema.
  • A path to either a json or yaml schema.
  • A file object whose contents are json or yaml
  • A string whose contents are json or yaml
  • A native python object that is a Mapping (like a dictionary).

JSON Schema Validation

A subset of the flex tooling implements JSON schema validation.

>>>  from flex.core import validate
>>>  schema = {
...:   'properties': {
...:     'name': {
...:       'type': 'string',
...:       'minLength': 3,
...:     },
...:     'age': {
...:       'type': 'integer',
...:       'minimum': 0,
...:       'exclusiveMinimum': True,
...:     },
...:   }
...: }
>>>  data = {
...:   'age': 10,
...:   'name': "John",
...: }
>>>  validate(schema, data)
>>>  bad_data = {
...:   'age': -5,
...:   'name': "Bo",
...: }
>>>  validate(schema, bad_data)
ValueError: Invalid:
    - 'minimum':
        - u'-5 must be greater than 0.0'
    - 'minLength':
        - u'Ensure this value has at least 3 characters (it has 2).'

You can also use this to simply validate that your JSON schema conforms to specification.

>>>  from flex.core import validate
>>>  schema = {
...:   'properties': {
...:     'name': {
...:       'type': 'string',
...:       'minLength': 3,
...:     },
...:     'friends': {
...:       'type': 'array',
...:       'minimum': 0,  # `minimum` is invalid for type 'array'
...:     },
...:   }
...: }
>>>  validate(schema)
ValueError: JSON Schema did not validate:

    - 'friends':
        - 'minimum':
            - u'`minimum` can only be used for json number types'

API Call Validation

API call validation takes a supported request and response object that represents a request/response cycle for an API call and validates it against a swagger schema.

>>> import requests
>>> from flex.core import load, validate_api_call
>>> schema = load("path/to/schema.yaml")
>>> response = requests.get('')
>>> validate_api_call(schema, raw_request=response.request, raw_response=response)
ValueError: Invalid
    - 'Request status code was not found in the known response codes.  Got `301`: Expected one of: `[200]`'

Request validation looks at the following things.

  1. Request path.
  2. Parameters in the path.
  3. Query parameters.
  4. Request method.
  5. Headers.
  6. Content Type

Response validation looks at the following things.

  1. Content-Type
  2. Headers
  3. Status Code
  4. Response body.

Request validation supports the following request objects.

  • requests.Request and requests.PreparedRequest from Kenneth Reitz' requests library.
  • urllib2.Request from the urllib2 module of the standard library.
  • django.http.request.HttpRequest from django.
  • werkzeug.wrappers.Request from werkzeug (on which flask is based).

Response valdation supports the following respone objects.

  • requests.Response from Kenneth Reitz' requests library.
  • The return value of urllib.urlopen and urllib2.urlopen from the standard library urllib modules.
  • django.http.response.HttpResponse from django.
  • werkzeug.wrappers.Response from werkzeug (on which flask is based).


Flex implements format validation for the following formats

Flex supports registering your own custom formats for validation.

>>> from flex.formats import register
>>> @register('title-case', 'string')
... def title_case_format_validator(value):
...     if not value == value.title():
...         raise ValidationError("Must be title cased")

In the example above, we have registered a new format title-case which is applicable to values of type string. A validator function needs to take a single value and raise a ValidationError if the value is invalid.

The register decorator takes the name of the format as it's first argument, and then the remaining arguments should be the types that the format validator can apply to.


Take note that format validation is skipped if the value is not of one of the specified types the format validator is declared for.

Command line usage

As well as a python API, flex also provides a commandline validation tool via the swagger-flex cli.

$ ./swagger-flex -s /path/to/swagger.yaml
$ ./swagger-flex -s

In the event of a validation error, the commandline program will return 1 and print to stderr a list of the validation errors detected.

If the file passes validation it will return to stdout "Validation passed" and return 0 - in line with most nix commandline tools.


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Indices and tables