AndroidUtilCode Public
Forked from Blankj/AndroidUtilCode🔥 Android developers should collect the following utils(updating).
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 6, 2019 -
TaiChi Public
Forked from shuixi2013/EXposed-1A framework to use Xposed module with or without Root/Unlock bootloader, supportting Android 5.0 ~ 10.0
UpdatedMay 5, 2019 -
EdXposed Public
Forked from ElderDrivers/EdXposedElder driver Xposed Framework.
Java GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMay 5, 2019 -
technical_books Public
Forked from share0307/technical_bookstechnical_books
HTML UpdatedApr 11, 2019 -
android_demo Public
Forked from r17171709/StudyDemo自己学习的androiddemo合集
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 15, 2019 -
RxJava2Examples Public
Forked from nanchen2251/RxJava2Examples🔥RxJava2 Examples —— 这可能是从 RxJava1 跳到 RxJava2(学习 RxJava2 )最好的例子 Demo:https://github.com/nanchen2251/RxJava2Examples
Java UpdatedMar 6, 2019 -
Fragmentation Public
Forked from YoKeyword/FragmentationA powerful library that manage Fragment for Android!
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 1, 2018 -
MiniThunder Public
Forked from MaxMax2016/MiniThunderandroid迷你版迅雷,支持thunder:// ftp:// http:// ed2k:// 磁力链 种子文件的下载,音视频文件支持边下边播.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 10, 2017 -
PocketBox Public
Forked from undercase/PocketBoxWebsite for sharing debate files instantly.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedFeb 16, 2017 -
MediaRender Public
Forked from geniusgithub/MediaRenderA DLNA-compliant UPnP Media Render.
Aria2Downloader Public
Forked from puppies/Aria2DownloaderThis is a remote control application for local network device(usually a router) downloading resources from Internet using aria2, also with UPnP(DLNA) function as DMC and DMR.