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OpenCred Verifiable Credentials Platform


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OpenCred: The Open Credentials Platform

OpenCred is an open source credential verification platform that allows relying party services to request claims about users over an OpenID Connect-style redirection workflow where the claims are verified via a user presenting them within a credential that meets certain requirements.

An OIDC4CVP workflow is embedded within a OIDC authentication workflow. This app is responsible for the inner OIDC4CVP workflow. It returns an OIDC ID token to the relying party service or an error.

    participant RP as RelyingParty
    actor User as User
    participant OpenCred as OpenCred
    participant Exchanger as Exchanger
    participant Wallet as Wallet
    note over User: Views unauthenticated webpage
    RP->>OpenCred: 1. Auth request w/client_id
    OpenCred->>Exchanger: 2. Generate OID4VP presentation request
    Exchanger->>OpenCred: 3. Success response
    OpenCred->>User: 4. Present URL & QR Code
    User-->>Wallet: 5. Scan QR Code from wallet app
    note over Wallet: Display request & credential(s)
    Wallet->>Exchanger: 6. Post Verifiable Presentation
    Exchanger->>Wallet: 7. Success response
    Wallet->>OpenCred: 8. User redirected to OpenCred
    OpenCred->>Exchanger: 9. Request exchange result
    Exchanger->>OpenCred: 10. Verified presentation w/credential
    OpenCred->>RP: 11. Redirect w/Code
    RP->>OpenCred: 12. Exchange code for id_token
    OpenCred->>RP: 13. id_token response
    RP->>User: 14. Display authenticated webpage
    note over User: Views authenticated webpage


This app uses a node express server to render a Vue 3 app first in SSR mode on the server and then hydrated on the client. The Vue app is compiled with Vite into server and client-side entry points. The methodology is based on this example.

It doesn't yet support hot-reloading for UI component changes integrated with the express app. (Example isProd checks could be added to set up a vite server). To see changes, you must stop the server, rebuild the UI, and restart the server, as with npm run start.



The app is configured via a YAML file. See config/config.example.yaml for an example.

Copy the example to the ignored location cp config/config.example.yaml config/config.yaml and edit the file. Configure the details of your relying party, and connection details for a VC-API exchanger endpoint.

Configure with an Environment Variable

If an OPENCRED_CONFIG environment variable is set, the config specified in the environment variable will supersede any file based configuration. The environment variable must be a Base64 encoded string based on a YAML config file. The environment variable may be set with the following command:

export OPENCRED_CONFIG=$(cat config.yaml | base64)

Configuring a Native workflow

Update the relyingParties section of the config file to include a relying party with a workflow of type native. The native workflow type is used to implement a VC-API exchange on this instance of OpenCred. This results in a QR code being displayed to the user or returned through the initiate exchange API endpoint that can be scanned by a wallet app. The wallet app will then present the user with a list of credentials that can be used to satisfy the request.

If you need to support multiple similar relying parties

Configuring did:web endpoint

You can use OpenCred as a did:web endpoint by configuring the didWeb section of the config file. The following would result in a DID document being published for the did The document would be available from OpenCred at /.well-known/did.json. If domain linkage support is supported, you can find that document at /.well-known/did-configuration.json.

  mainEnabled: true
  linkageEnabled: true
  mainDocument: >
      "id": "",
      "@context": [
          "@base": ""
      "service": [
          "id": "#linkeddomains",
          "type": "LinkedDomains",
          "serviceEndpoint": {
            "origins": [
          "id": "#hub",
          "type": "IdentityHub",
          "serviceEndpoint": {
            "instances": [
      "verificationMethod": [
          "id": "test-signing-key",
          "controller": "",
          "type": "EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019",
          "publicKeyJwk": {
            "crv": "secp256k1",
            "kty": "EC",
            "x": "test-x",
            "y": "test-y"
      "authentication": [
      "assertionMethod": [
  linkageDocument: >
      "@context": "",
      "linked_dids": ["eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsImtpZCI6ImRpZDprZXk6ejZNa29USHNnTk5yYnk4SnpDTlExaVJMeVc1UVE2UjhYdXU2QUE4aWdHck1WUFVNI3o2TWtvVEhzZ05OcmJ5OEp6Q05RMWlSTHlXNVFRNlI4WHV1NkFBOGlnR3JNVlBVTSJ9.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.aUFNReA4R5rcX_oYm3sPXqWtso_gjPHnWZsB6pWcGv6m3K8-4JIAvFov3ZTM8HxPOrOL17Qf4vBFdY9oK0HeCQ"]

Configuring Signing Key

You must configure a signing key by entering key information in the signingKeys section of the config, and the public keys will be published in the ./well-known/jwks.json endpoint for keys with the id_token purpose as well as in the .well-known/did.json endpoint for keys with the authorization_request purpose.

Supported key types for JWT signing include:

JWT alg ES256: generate a seed with npm run generate:prime256v1.

  - type: ES256
    id: 91705ba8b54357e00953b2d5cc2d805c25f86bbec4777ea4f0dc883dd84b4803
    privateKeyPem: |
      -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
      -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
    publicKeyPem: |
      -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
      -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
      - id_token
      - authorization_request

Configuring id_token claims for OIDC

Within your relying party configuration, you may configure claims that will be extracted from a credential and included in the id_token result of an Open ID Connect login flow. The following example will extract the email claim from a credential that is presented by the user. The email claim will be included in the id_token that is returned to the relying party.

  - clientId: example
    clientSecret: example
    redirectUri: http://localhost:8080/oidc/callback
      - name: email
        path: userEmail

This configuration will place an email claim in the JWT, and the value of that claim will be drawn from credentialSubject.userEmail path in the credential that is verified to match the workflow requirements, if successfully presented. In the workflow, you can use the method appropriate to the workflow type to specify which Verifiable Credential type, context, and/or issuers you will accept. This enables the specification of a plaintext path relative to credentialSubject to source the claim value from.

Run via node


  • Node v20
  • MongoDB: configure e.g. dbConnectionUri: mongodb://localhost:27017

Install dependencies, compile the UI, and run the server:

$ npm i
$ npm run build
$ npm run start

Optional HTTPS Setup

In order to interact with a wallet or resolve did:web identifiers, it may be necessary to run the server over HTTPS from your local computer. You can use openssl and ngrok or localtunnel to set up a tunnel to your local server. Here are instructions for how to generate relevant key and certificate files with openssl, stored in ignored locations in the config directory.

openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ./config/private_key.pem -out ./config/csr.pem
openssl x509 -req -in ./config/csr.pem -signkey ./config/private_key.pem -out ./config/cert.pem
openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ./config/ca_key.pem -out ./config/ca_csr.pem
openssl x509 -req -in ./config/ca_csr.pem -signkey .config/ca_key.pem -out ./config/ca_cert.pem
openssl x509 -req -in ./config/ca_csr.pem -signkey ./config/ca_key.pem -out ./config/ca_cert.pem

Set your domain to use HTTPS in the config.yaml with a custom requested subdomain like: domain: ""

Then, you can run the server with the following command to launch with your subdomain:

npx localtunnel -p 8080 --local-cert ./config/cert.pem --local_key ./config/private_key.pem --local_ca ./config/ca_cert.pem --subdomain my-opencred-subdomain-837

Run via Docker

You can build and run the server via Docker mounting your local configuration file with the following commands. $PWD substitution is the expected format for current working directory unix/bash/zsh, Substitute your actual project root path for other systems.

$ docker build . -t opencred-platform
$ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -v $PWD/config:/etc/app-config opencred-platform
$ curl http://localhost:8080/health

Integrating with OpenCred

Open ID Connect Login

If you configure an id_token signing key, you may use the service as an IDP that extracts claims from a presented credential into an id_token. There is an openid-configuration endpoint at /.well-known/openid-configuration with detailed information about the algorithm and protocol support that the server has. It references a JWKS (keyset) endpoint at /.well-known/jwks.json that contains the signing key used to sign an id_token. Dynamic registration is not supported, so you must configure clientId and clientSecret in the relying party configuration manually, along with the credential exchange workflow that you want to use for this client.

The OIDC workflow follows this process:

  • Relying party directs a user's browser to the /login endpoint with appropriate query parameters client_id, redirect_uri, response_type, scope, and state.
  • The user is presented a login page with a QR code that can be scanned by a wallet app for wallets on a different device (using OID4VP) or a wallet initiation button for a wallet on the same device (using CHAPI).
  • The user scans their wallet app and selects a credential to present to the relying party. The wallet posts a signed presentation to OpenCred, and OpenCred verifies it, and updates the state of the exchange with the information.
  • The user is redirected back to the relying party with a code that can be exchanged for an id_token.
  • The relying party exchanges the code for an id_token, which contains claims extracted from the credential based on the relying party's configuration.
  • The relying party now can the information, such as a user identifier, to look up user data and authenticate the user or augment a user's profile.


  • ES256 is the only supported signing algorithm for id_tokens to date.
  • PKCE not yet supported.
  • There is no userinfo endpoint, the app only supports an id_token result.

HTTP API Integration

OpenCred can also facilitate gathering a user's credential(s) and presenting them to a relying party via a HTTP API. This is useful for integrating with a relying party that does not support OIDC. The HTTP API is documented in the OpenAPI format. You can view the API documentation in a Swagger UI at the /api-docs endpoint when the application is running.

The HTTP API workflow follows this process:

  • Establish configuration for a relying party with clientId, clientSecret, and a workflow.
  • Initiate an exchange for your chosen workflow with POST /workflows/{workflowId}/exchanges. Authenticate this request using HTTP Basic Auth using your client ID and client secret.
  • The response will contain an OID4VP URI and a QR code as a Data URI that you can present to your user to scan with a wallet app as well as a vcapi value that you can use to initiate a CHAPI wallet flow. It contains an echangeId that will be used to check status and an accessToken that is a short lived access token that allows you to authenticate the status check request.
  • The user activates their wallet, for example by scanning the QR code that you present to them in your application, and presents a credential.
  • Check the status of the exchange with GET /workflows/{workflowId}/exchanges/{exchangeId}. Authenticate this request with a Bearer token using Authorization: Bearer {accessToken} with the accessToken from the exchange initiation. Or you may continue to use the Basic method from the first request. The accessToken is short lived and will expire after a 15 minutes and may be made available to a browser client, whereas the clientId should only be held server-side.
  • The response will contain an exchange object with a state that is either pending, complete, or invalid with additional results.




OpenCred Verifiable Credentials Platform







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  • JavaScript 86.9%
  • Vue 12.7%
  • Other 0.4%