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File metadata and controls

331 lines (232 loc) · 11.1 KB


purescript-refract is an optical Purescript UI library based on React and the Elm architecture, but without the boilerplate.


The Elm architecture is conceptually extremely simple:

  • Define an Event type
  • Define a function Model -> View (Views may fire Events)
  • Define a fold function Event -> Model -> Model

Unfortunately, while straightforward, composition is verbose. Something as mundane as displaying the same component twice would force one to at least define a new Event constructor and adjust the fold function appropriately, forwarding sub events to the second component where needed.

While other libraries solve that problem in various ways (e.g. purescript-specular), they give up the conceptual simplicity of Elm's central Model -> View idea. purescript-refract tries to further explore the design space by retaining that simplicity while throwing away the boilerplate.

Quick start

The canonical example of a counter in purescript-refract:

counter ::  eff. Component eff Int
counter = state \st -> div []
  [ div [ onClick \_ -> modify (_ - 1) ] [ text "Decrement" ]
  , text (show st)
  , div [ onClick \_ -> modify (_ + 1) ] [ text "Increment" ]

In short, skip the need to define an Event type and provide direct access to a component's state in its DOM event handlers. Composition happens through lenses; to focus on a specific sub-state, use zoom:

twoCounters ::  eff. Component eff (Tuple Int Int)
twoCounters = div [] [ zoom _1 counter, zoom _2 counter ]

To render a list of components, each one focused on a single element, use one of the foreach* combinators:

counters ::  eff. Component eff (Array Int)
counters = div []
  [ div [ onClick \_ -> modify (cons 0) ] [ text "Add counter" ]
  , foreachZ _id counter


Module documentation is published on Pursuit.

Full ToDoMVC example

To get a better idea of how purescript-refract code looks in the wild, check out the full ToDoMVC example - Source / Demo.


A Component eff st is parameterized over an effect type eff and a state type st over which it operates.

All basic HTML building blocks are Components. For example, to construct a span within a div:

spanWithinDiv ::  eff st. Component eff st 
spanWithinDiv = div [] [ span [] [ text "Nested!" ] ]

Accessing state

Having a Component with a state of type Int:

intComponent ::  eff. Component eff Int 
intComponent = div [] [ text "State: " ]

To access the Component's state, use the state combinator:

state ::  eff st. (st -> Component eff st) -> Component eff st

In other words, state "reifies" the current Component's state, e.g:

intComponent ::  eff. Component eff Int 
intComponent = state \st -> div [] [ text ("State: " <> show st) ]

Modifying state and effects

Every HTML Component takes an array of Props, such as onClick:

onClick ::  eff st. (Event -> Effect eff st Unit) -> Props eff st

In turn, the following basic actions run in the Effect eff st monad:

modify ::  eff st. (st -> st) -> Effect eff st Unit
modify' ::  eff st a. (st -> st × a) -> Effect eff st a

which modify the current Component's state (and return a result in modify''s case), and

effectfully ::  a eff st. (st -> Aff eff a) -> Effect eff st a

which embeds random Aff eff actions in Effect eff st. For example:

div [ onClick \e -> do
        modify (_ + 1)
        effectfully \_ -> sendAjaxConfirmation
        modify (_ + 1)

Composing components

Sometimes, a component needs to operate on different, not directly related substates of its parent. Imagine an input Component which only saves the typed text when the user presses the Enter key (and restores the original text if the Esc key pressed or a blur event is fired.)

There are two ways to define and reuse that Component:

  • By concretely defining its state and zooming into it:
inputComponent ::  eff. Component eff { current :: String, input :: String }
  • By keeping it polymorphic in its state and providing lenses to the different substates:
  ::  eff st.
     { current :: ALens' st String
     , input :: ALens' st String
  -> Component eff st


Zooming may be a better choice if { current :: String, input :: String } is a literal substate of the parent Component's state:

  ::  eff. Component eff
  { inputState :: { current :: String, input :: String }
  , loggedIn :: Boolean
parentComponent = div [] [ zoom inputState inputComponent ] -- assuming inputState is a Lens

zoom takes a Lens' from st to stt, a Component with a state of type stt and embeds it into a Component with a state of type st:


The new RowToList goodness allows for a zoomR combinator that works with generic records. Specializing to a concrete state, its type would be:


Polymorphic components

Polymorphic components are more flexible and allow for easier children-parent communication (though not impossible otherwise!)

  ::  eff. Component
  { current :: String
  , input :: String
  , loggedIn :: Boolean
parentComponent = div []
  [ inputComponent { current, input }  -- assuming currentText and input are Lenses

This allows for easier mix-and-matching of various substates, if that is desired. Note that parentComponent here is not a polymorphic Component!

Accessing state in polymorphic Components

To access polymorphic state use the stateL combinator:


Note that stateL keeps the Component's state at st. For example:

inputComponent focus =
  stateL focus.current \current ->
  stateL focus.input \input -> ...

Analogously to zoomR, there's stateR which works with generic records. Specializing to a concrete state, its type would be:


Modifying state in polymorphic Components

Analogously to modify and stateL, there is modifyL (as well as modifyL'):


as well as modifyR and modifyR' (again, specialized to a concrete type):


Children to parent communication

Sometimes a Component needs to alter its parent's state in some way (for example delete itself from a list.) One easy approach is to keep the Component polymorhpic in its state, use the *L or *R combinators and provide a state modifying function:

  ::  eff st.
      { current :: ALens' st String
      , input :: ALens' st String
   -> (st -> st)
   -> Component eff st
inputComponent focus delete = div []
  [ div [ onClick \_ -> modifyR focus \st -> st { current = "" } ] [ text "Clear text" ]
  , div [ onClick \_ -> modify delete ] [ text "Delete" ]

parent = div [] [ inputComponent { current, input }  ]

(Note that one could pass Effect eff st Unit instead of st -> st for an effectful action.)

Another approach is to specify the parent's state as part of the Component's state and zoomR into the child Component from the parent Component:

  ::  eff st.
  -> (st -> st)
  -> Component eff
     { parent :: st
     , current :: String
     , input :: String
inputComponent focus delete = div []
  [ div [ onClick \_ -> modify \st -> st { current = "" } ] [ text "Clear text" ]
  , div [ onClick \_ -> modify \st -> st { parent = delete st.parent } ] [ text "Delete" ]

parent = div [] [ zoomR { parent: _id, current, input } inputComponent ] -- _id being the identity Lens'


A combination of both approaches described above is to use zoomUn* to "unzoom" from the child Component into the parent Component:


For example:

  ::  eff st.
      { current :: ALens' st String
      , input :: ALens' st String
  -> (st -> st)
  -> Component eff st
inputComponent focus delete = zoomR focus \unzoom -> div []
  [ div [ onClick \_ -> modify \st -> st { current = "" } ] [ text "Clear text" ]
  , unzoom $ div [ onClick \_ -> modify delete ] [ text "Delete" ]

parent = div [] [ inputComponent { current, input }  ]


Currently there are traversal combinators for Arrays and Maps. Each combinator is provided in a filtered or unfiltered, polymorphic, zoom + unzoom and zoom only variant.

For example, here's the polymorphic filtered Map traversal foreachMapF:


Array traversals:

Filtered Polymorphic Zoom + Unzoom Zoom only
yes foreachF foreachUF foreachZF
no foreach foreachU foreachZ

Map traversals:

Filtered Polymorphic Zoom + Unzoom
yes foreachMapF foreachMapUF
no foreachMap foreachMapU

The reason why only the foreachMap* variants provide an st -> st function that deletes the current focused element is that with arrays it's easy to run into the following situation:

div [ onClick \_ -> do
        modify delete
        modifyL focus \st -> st ...

which would first delete the focused element and only then attempt to modify it (in turn modifying the following element, if any, or resulting in a runtime error.) Since a Map is a one to one mapping of keys to values, attempting to modify an already deleted element will be a no-op and is thus safe.

React bindings

purescript-refract is a thin wrapper over React and thus presents direct access to the lifetime methods API:

type Spec eff st =
  { displayName :: String

  , componentWillMount :: Effect eff st Unit
  , componentDidMount :: Effect eff st Unit
  , componentWillUnmount :: Effect eff st Unit

  , componentWillUpdate :: st -> Effect eff st Unit
  , componentDidUpdate :: st -> Effect eff st Unit

  , shouldComponentUpdate :: st -> Boolean

componentClass ::  eff st. Spec eff st -> Component eff st -> ComponentClass eff st

component ::  eff st. ComponentClass eff st -> Component eff st

Note that ComponentClasses should be defined at the top level, otherwise every rerender will create a new ComponentClass and consequently force React to immediately and repeatedly call componentWillMount, componentDidMount, etc.


Comments, PRs, bug reports welcome.