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Discord Bot Hugo Server Documentation (OpenBB-finance#1410)
* Directory Structures for Discord Bot Hugo Server Directory Structures for Discord Bot Commands Built: ``` - name: "bot" ref: "/bot" sub: - name: "Discord" ref: "/bot/discord" sub: - name: "Introduction" ref: "/bot/discord/introduction" - name: "Installation Instructions" ref: "/bot/discord/installation" - name: "Support" ref: "/bot/discord/support" - name: "Commands List" ref: "/bot/discord/commands" - name: "Price Commands" ref: "/bot/discord/price" sub: - name: "quote" ref: "/bot/discord/price/quoute" - name: "candle" ref: "/bot/discord/price/candle" - name: "btc" ref: "/bot/discord/price/btc" - name: "eth" ref: "/bot/discord/price/eth" - name: "sol" ref: "/bot/discord/price/sol" - name: "Options Commands" ref: "/bot/discord/options" sub: - name: "opt unu" ref: "/bot/discord/options/unu" - name: "opt info" ref: "/bot/discord/options/info" - name: "opt vsurf" ref: "/bot/discord/options/vsurf" - name: "opt oi" ref: "/bot/discord/options/oi" - name: "opt vol" ref: "/bot/discord/options/vol" - name: "opt overview" ref: "/bot/discord/options/overview" - name: "opt hist" ref: "/bot/discord/options/hist" - name: "opt grhist" ref: "/bot/discord/options/grhist" - name: "opt chain" ref: "/bot/discord/options/chain" - name: "Technical Analysis Commands" ref: "/bot/discord/ta" sub: - name: "ta summary" ref: "/bot/discord/ta/summary" - name: "ta view" ref: "/bot/discord/ta/view" - name: "ta recom" ref: "/bot/discord/ta/recom" - name: "ta obv" ref: "/bot/discord/ta/obv" - name: "ta fib" ref: "/bot/discord/ta/fib" - name: "ta ad" ref: "/bot/discord/ta/ad" - name: "ta cg" ref: "/bot/discord/ta/cg" - name: "ta fisher" ref: "/bot/discord/ta/fisher" - name: "ta cci" ref: "/bot/discord/ta/cci" - name: "ta ema" ref: "/bot/discord/ta/ema" - name: "ta sma" ref: "/bot/discord/ta/sma" - name: "ta wma" ref: "/bot/discord/ta/wma" - name: "ta hma" ref: "/bot/discord/ta/hma" - name: "ta zlma" ref: "/bot/discord/ta/zlma" - name: "ta aroon" ref: "/bot/discord/ta/aroon" - name: "ta adosc" ref: "/bot/discord/ta/adosc" - name: "ta macd" ref: "/bot/discord/ta/macd" - name: "ta kc" ref: "/bot/discord/ta/kc" - name: "ta adx" ref: "/bot/discord/ta/adx" - name: "ta rsi" ref: "/bot/discord/ta/rsi" - name: "ta stoch" ref: "/bot/discord/ta/stoch" - name: "ta bbands" ref: "/bot/discord/ta/bbands" - name: "ta donchian" ref: "/bot/discord/ta/donchian" - name: "Stock Screener Commands" ref: "/bot/discord/screener" sub: - name: "scr presets_default" ref: "/bot/discord/screener/presets_default" - name: "scr presets_custom" ref: "/bot/discord/screener/custom" - name: "scr historical" ref: "/bot/discord/screener/historical" - name: "scr overview" ref: "/bot/discord/screener/overview" - name: "scr technical" ref: "/bot/discord/screener/technical" - name: "scr valuation" ref: "/bot/discord/screener/valuation" - name: "scr financial" ref: "/bot/discord/screener/financial" - name: "scr ownership" ref: "/bot/discord/screener/ownership" - name: "scr performance" ref: "/bot/discord/screener/performance" - name: "Due Diligence Commands" ref: "/bot/discord/dd" sub: - name: "dd est" ref: "/bot/discord/dd/est" - name: "dd sec" ref: "/bot/discord/dd/sec" - name: "dd analyst" ref: "/bot/discord/dd/analyst" - name: "dd supplier" ref: "/bot/discord/dd/supplier" - name: "dd customer" ref: "/bot/discord/dd/customer" - name: "dd arktrades" ref: "/bot/discord/dd/arktrades" - name: "dd pt" ref: "/bot/discord/dd/pt" - name: "Dark Pool Shorts Commands" ref: "/bot/discord/dps" sub: - name: "dps hsi" ref: "/bot/discord/dps/hsi" - name: "dps shorted" ref: "/bot/discord/dps/shorted" - name: "dps psi" ref: "/bot/discord/dps/psi" - name: "dps spos" ref: "/bot/discord/dps/spos" - name: "dps dpotc" ref: "/bot/discord/dps/dpotc" - name: "dps pos" ref: "/bot/discord/dps/pos" - name: "dps sidtc" ref: "/bot/discord/dps/sidtc" - name: "dps ftd" ref: "/bot/discord/dps/ftd" - name: "Government (USA) Commands" ref: "/bot/discord/gov" sub: - name: "gov histcont" ref: "/bot/discord/gov/histcont" - name: "gov lobbying" ref: "/bot/discord/gov/lobbying" - name: "gov toplobbying" ref: "/bot/discord/gov/toplobbying" - name: "gov lastcontracts" ref: "/bot/discord/gov/lastcontracts" - name: "gov contracts" ref: "/bot/discord/gov/contracts" - name: "gov qtrcontracts" ref: "/bot/discord/gov/qtrcontracts" - name: "gov lasttrades" ref: "/bot/discord/gov/lasttrades" - name: "gov gtrades" ref: "/bot/discord/gov/gtrades" - name: "gov topbuys" ref: "/bot/discord/gov/topbuys" - name: "gov topsells" ref: "/bot/discord/gov/topsells" - name: "Economy Commands" ref: "/bot/discord/econ" sub: - name: "econ softs" ref: "/bot/discord/econ/softs" - name: "econ meats" ref: "/bot/discord/econ/meats" - name: "econ energy" ref: "/bot/discord/econ/energy" - name: "econ metals" ref: "/bot/discord/econ/metals" - name: "econ grains" ref: "/bot/discord/econ/grains" - name: "econ futures" ref: "/bot/discord/econ/futures" - name: "econ usbonds" ref: "/bot/discord/econ/usbonds" - name: "econ glbonds" ref: "/bot/discord/econ/glbonds" - name: "econ indices" ref: "/bot/discord/econ/indices" - name: "econ overview" ref: "/bot/discord/econ/overview" - name: "econ feargree" ref: "/bot/discord/econ/feargreed" - name: "econ currencies" ref: "/bot/discord/econ/currencies" - name: "econ valuation" ref: "/bot/discord/econ/valuation" - name: "econ performance" ref: "/bot/discord/econ/performance" - name: "ETF Commands" ref: "/bot/discord/etf" sub: - name: "etf disc" ref: "/bot/discord/etf/disc" - name: "etf holdings by-ticker" ref: "/bot/discord/etf/tiker" - name: "etf holdings by-etf" ref: "/bot/discord/etf/holdings" - name: "Miscellaneous Commands" ref: "/bot/discord/misc" sub: - name: "sia cps" ref: "/bot/discord/misc/cps" - name: "sia cpis" ref: "/bot/discord/misc/cpis" - name: "disc fidelity" ref: "/bot/discord/misc/fidelity" - name: "futures" ref: "/bot/discord/misc/futures" - name: "earnings" ref: "/bot/discord/misc/earnings" - name: "ins last" ref: "/bot/discord/misc/ins_last" - name: "moon" ref: "/bot/discord/misc/moon" - name: "megashill" ref: "/bot/discord/misc/megashill" ``` * updated to reflect changes - 2022-02-22 added new features and rearranged the directory structure. * Updated 2022-02-22 * updated 2022-02-22 Updated the description and changed the images. * /bot/discord/installation/ - 2022-02-22 Creates the path and file for installation instructions. * created /bot/discord/support/ Created 2022-02-22 * created /bot/discord/commands/ created path and file - 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/price/ created path and files. 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/price/quote/ created path and file for quote. 2022-02-24 * fixed typo - 2022-02-24 * Create * created /bot/discord/price/candle/ created path and files for candle - 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/price/btc/ created path and file for BTC - 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/price/eth/ created path and file for eth. 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/price/sol/ created path and file for sol. 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/options/ created path and file for options commands folder. * created /bot/discord/options/unu/ created path and file for opt unu. 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/options/info/ created path and file for opt info. 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/options/vsurf/ created path and file for opt vsurf. 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/options/oi/ created path and file for opt oi. 2022-02-24 * created bot/discord/options/vol/ created path and file for opt vol. 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/options/overview/ created path and file for opt overview. 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/options/hist/ created path and file for opt hist - 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/options/grhist/ created path and file for opt grhist. 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/options/chain/ created path and file for opt opt_chain. 2022-02-24 * corrected a name - opt_chain 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/ta/ created directory for TA features and created 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/ta/summary/ added path and file for ta summary. 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/ta/view/ created path and file for ta view. 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/ta/recom/ created path and file for ta recom. 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/ta/obv/ created path and file for ta obv. 2022-02-24 * created bot/discord/ta/fib/ created path and file for ta fib. 2022-02-24 * created bot/discord/ta/ad/ created directory and file for ta ad. 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/ta/cg/ created path and file for ta cg. 2022-02-24 * created bot/discord/ta/fisher/ created path and file for ta fisher. 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/ta/cci/ created path and file for ta cci. 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/ta/ema/ created path and file for ta ema. 2022-02-24 * created bot/discord/ta/sma/ created path and file for ta sma. 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/ta/wma/ created path and file for ta wma. 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/ta/hma/ created path and file for ta hma. 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/ta/zlma/ created path and file for ta zlma. 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/ta/aroon/ created path and file for ta aroon. 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/ta/adosc/ created path and file for ta adosc. 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/ta/macd/ created path and file for ta macd. 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/ta/kc/ created path and file for ta kc. 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/ta/adx/ created path and file for ta adx. 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/ta/rsi/ created path and file for ta rsi. 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/ta/stoch/ created path and file for ta stoch. 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/ta/bbands/ created path and file for ta bbands. 2022-02-24 * created /bot/discord/ta/donchian/ created path and file for ta donchian. 2022-02-25 * created /bot/discord/screener/ created folder for screener and 2022-02-25 * created ..screener/default_presets/ created path and file for scr default_presets. 2022-02-25 * changed screener/custom to screener/presets_custom * created /bot/discord/screener/presets_custom/ Created path and file for scr presets_custom. 2022-02-25 * created /bot/discord/screener/overview/ created path and file for scr overview. 2022-02-25 * created /bot/discord/screener/technical/ created path and file for scr technical. 2022-02-25 * created /bot/discord/screener/valuation/ created path and file for scr valuation. 2022-02-25 * created /bot/discord/screener/financial/ created path and file for scr financial. 2022-02-25 * created /bot/discord/screener/performance/ created path and file for scr performance * created /bot/discord/dd/ created path for DD features and created for folder root. * created /bot/discord/dd/est/ created path and file for dd est. 2022-02-26 * created /bot/discord/dd/sec/ created path and file for dd sec. 2022-02-26 * created /bot/discord/dd/analyst/ created path and file for dd analyst. 2022-02-26 * created /bot/discord/dd/supplier/ created path and file for dd supplier * created /bot/discord/dd/customer/ created path and file for dd customer. 2022-02-26 * created /bot/discord/dd/arktrades/ created path and file for dd arktrades. 2022-02-26 * created /bot/discord/dd/pt/ created path and file for dd pt. 2022-02-26 * created /bot/discord/dps/ created folder for Dark Pool Shorts commands and created file. * created /bot/discord/dps/hsi/ created path and file for dps hsi. 2022-02-26 * created /bot/discord/dps/shorted/ created path and file for dps shorted. 2022-02-26 * created /bot/discord/dps/psi/ created path and file for dsp psi. 2022-02-26 * created /bot/discord/dps/spos/ created path and file for dps spos. 2022-02-26 * created /bot/discord/dps/dpotc/ created path and file for dps dpotc. 2022-02-27 * created /bot/discord/dps/pos/ created path and file for dps pos. 2022-02-27 * created /bot/discord/dps/sidtc/ created path and file for dps sidtc. 2022-02-27 * created /bot/discord/dps/ftd/ created path and file for dps ftd. 2022-02-27 * created /bot/discord/gov/ created folder for government commands and created file. * created /bot/discord/gov/histcont/ created path and file for gov histcont. 2022-02-27 * created /bot/discord/gov/lobbying/ created path and file for gov lobbying. 2022-02-27 * created /bot/discord/gov/toplobbying/ created path and file for gov toplobbying. 2022-02-27 * created /bot/discord/gov/contracts/ created path and file for gov contracts. 2022-02-27 * created /bot/discord/gov/lastcontracts/ created path and file for gov lastcontracts. 2022-02-27 * created /bot/discord/gov/qtrcontracts/ created path and file for gov qtrcontracts. 2022-02-27 * created /bot/discord/gov/lasttrades/ created path and file for gov lasttrades * created /bot/discord/gov/gtrades/ created path and file for gov gtrades. 2022-02-27 * created /bot/discord/gov/topsells/ created path and file for gov topsells * created /bot/discord/econ/ created folder for econ commands, and root file * created /bot/discord/econ/softs/ created path and file for econ softs. * created /bot/discord/econ/meats/ created path and file for econ meats * created /bot/discord/econ/energy/ created path and file for econ energy. 2022-02-27 * updated description. 2022-02-27 * created /bot/discord/econ/metals/ created path and file for econ metals. 2022-02-27 * created /bot/discord/econ/grains/ created path and file for econ grains. 2022-02-27 * created /bot/discord/econ/futures/ created path and file for econ futures. 2022-02-27 * created /bot/discord/econ/usbonds/ created path and file for econ usbonds * created /bot/discord/econ/glbonds/ created path and file for econ glbonds. 2022-02-27 * created /bot/discord/econ/indices/ created path and file for econ indices. 2022-02-27 * added a missing letter to "feargreed" * created /bot/discord/econ/overview/ created path and file for econ overview. 2022-02-27 * created /bot/discord/econ/feargreed/ created path and file for econ feargreed. 2022-02-27 * added screenshot. 2022-02-27 * created /bot/discord/econ/currencies/ created path and file for econ currencies. 2022-02-27 * added econ cpi 2022-02-27 * created /bot/discord/econ/cpi/ created path and file for econ cpi. 2022-02-27 * created /bot/discord/econ/performance/ created path and file for econ performance. 2022-02-27 * created /bot/discord/econ/valuation/ created path and file for econ valuation. 2022-02-27 * created /bot/discord/etf/ created folder for ETF features and rool file. 2022-02-28 * created /bot/discord/etf/holdings_by-ticker/ created path and file for etf holdings by-ticker. 2022-02-28 * created /bot/discord/etf/holdings_by-etf/ created path and file for etf holdings by-etf. 2022-02-28 * created /bot/discord/etf/disc-tops/ created path and file for etf disc-tops. 2022-02-28 * created /bot/discord/sia/ created folder for sia commands, and file. 2022-02-28 * created /bot/discord/disc/ created folder for disc features, and file. 2022-02-28 * created /bot/discord/disc/tops/ created path and file for disc tops. 2022-02-28 * created /bot/discord/disc/fidelity/ created path and file for disc fidelity. 2022-02-28 * created /bot/discord/disc/ugs/ created path and file for disc ugs. 2022-02-28 * created /bot/discord/sia/metrics/ created path and file for sia metrics. 2022-02-28 * created /bot/discord/sia/cps/ created path and file for sia cps. 2022-02-28 * created /bot/discord/sia/cpic/ created path and file for sia cpic. 2022-02-28 * created /bot/discord/misc/ created folded and for misc commands. 2022-02-28 * created /bot/discord/earnings/ created path and file for earnings. 2022-02-28 * created /bot/discord/misc/futures/ created path and file for futures. 2022-02-28 * created /bot/discord/ins-last/ created path and file for ins-last. 2022-02-28 * created /bot/discord/misc/moon/ created path and file for moon. 2022-02-28 * created /bot/discord/misc/megashill/ created path and file for megashill. 02-28-2022 * updated for latest changes - 2022-03-01 added options: extended_hours & heiken_candles * created /bot/discord/scr/ownership/ created path and file for scr ownership. 2022-03-01 * created /bot/discord/gov/topbuys/ created path and file for gov topbuys. 2022-03-01 * created /bot/fdiscord/introduction/ created path and file for introduction section. * Spelling * spelling * spelling * spelling * Spelling * Spelling * Spelling * Update styling * Comment out broken bot function Co-authored-by: jmaslek <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: didierlopes.eth <[email protected]>
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