Simple dependency scanner tool
Keeps license detection easy - relies on a static set of files.
To generate in a nice format:
go run . scan --binary ~/bin/kpt | \
jq -r '.[] | [.name, (.licenseInfo.licenseURLs | join(" ")), .licenseInfo.license, "kpt", "YES", if .licenseInfo.mustShipCode then "YES" else "NO" end ] | @csv'
Saving a copy in the repo is helpful to track changes over time:
go run . scan --binary ~/bin/kpt | jq . > results.txt
To generate a LICENSES text file (useful for embedding):
go run . scan --print --binary ~/bin/kpt | jq -r '.[] | ("================================================================================\n= " + .name + " =\n\n" + .licenseFiles[].contents + "\n\n")' > ../../licenses/kpt.txt