Tip: Checkout the changelog file to see all changes.
The naming system used to determine the Game IDs have been updated in v5
and some IDs have been changed.
This means some ids will not work as they could have been changed to something else, see the table below to check which one is which.
(Don't see your id here? That means it stayed the same.)
Note: If you are heavily using the old ids, just pass the checkOldIDs
as true in options (or --checkOldIDs
via the CLI) to also use them.
Warning: We strongly recommend that you update your game id, as these older IDs will eventually not be supported anymore and will be removed.
v4 | v5 | |
americasarmypg | → | aapg |
7d2d | → | sdtd |
americasarmypg | → | aapg |
as | → | actionsource |
ageofchivalry | → | aoc |
arkse | → | ase |
arcasimracing | → | asr08 |
arma | → | aaa |
arma2oa | → | a2oa |
armacwa | → | acwa |
armar | → | armaresistance |
armare | → | armareforger |
armagetron | → | armagetronadvanced |
bat1944 | → | battalion1944 |
bf1942 | → | battlefield1942 |
bfv | → | battlefieldvietnam |
bf2 | → | battlefield2 |
bf2142 | → | battlefield2142 |
bfbc2 | → | bbc2 |
bf3 | → | battlefield3 |
bf4 | → | battlefield4 |
bfh | → | battlefieldhardline |
bd | → | basedefense |
bs | → | bladesymphony |
buildandshoot | → | bas |
cod4 | → | cod4mw |
callofjuarez | → | coj |
chivalry | → | cmw |
commandos3 | → | c3db |
cacrenegade | → | cacr |
contactjack | → | contractjack |
cs15 | → | counterstrike15 |
cs16 | → | counterstrike16 |
cs2 | → | counterstrike2 |
crossracing | → | crce |
darkesthour | → | dhe4445 |
daysofwar | → | dow |
deadlydozenpt | → | ddpt |
dh2005 | → | deerhunter2005 |
dinodday | → | ddd |
dirttrackracing2 | → | dtr2 |
dmc | → | deathmatchclassic |
dnl | → | dal |
drakan | → | dootf |
dys | → | dystopia |
em | → | empiresmod |
empyrion | → | egs |
f12002 | → | formulaone2002 |
flashpointresistance | → | ofr |
fivem | → | gta5f |
forrest | → | theforrest |
graw | → | tcgraw |
graw2 | → | tcgraw2 |
giantscitizenkabuto | → | gck |
ges | → | goldeneyesource |
gore | → | gus |
hldm | → | hld |
hldms | → | hlds |
hlopfor | → | hlof |
hl2dm | → | hl2d |
hidden | → | thehidden |
had2 | → | hiddendangerous2 |
igi2 | → | i2cs |
il2 | → | il2sturmovik |
insurgencymic | → | imic |
isle | → | theisle |
jamesbondnightfire | → | jb007n |
jc2mp | → | jc2m |
jc3mp | → | jc3m |
kingpin | → | kloc |
kisspc | → | kpctnc |
kspdmp | → | kspd |
kzmod | → | kreedzclimbing |
left4dead | → | l4d |
left4dead2 | → | l4d2 |
m2mp | → | m2m |
mohsh | → | mohaas |
mohbt | → | mohaab |
mohab | → | moha |
moh2010 | → | moh |
mohwf | → | mohw |
minecraftbe | → | mbe |
mtavc | → | gtavcmta |
mtasa | → | gtasamta |
ns | → | naturalselection |
ns2 | → | naturalselection2 |
nwn | → | neverwinternights |
nwn2 | → | neverwinternights2 |
nolf | → | tonolf |
nolf2 | → | nolf2asihw |
pvkii | → | pvak2 |
ps | → | postscriptum |
primalcarnage | → | pce |
pc | → | projectcars |
pc2 | → | projectcars2 |
prbf2 | → | prb2 |
przomboid | → | projectzomboid |
quake1 | → | quake |
quake3 | → | q3a |
ragdollkungfu | → | rdkf |
r6 | → | rainbowsix |
r6roguespear | → | rs2rs |
r6ravenshield | → | rs3rs |
redorchestraost | → | roo4145 |
redm | → | rdr2r |
riseofnations | → | ron |
rs2 | → | rs2v |
samp | → | gtasam |
saomp | → | gtasao |
savage2 | → | s2ats |
ss | → | serioussam |
ss2 | → | serioussam2 |
ship | → | theship |
sinep | → | sinepisodes |
sonsoftheforest | → | sotf |
swbf | → | swb |
swbf2 | → | swb2 |
swjk | → | swjkja |
swjk2 | → | swjk2jo |
takeonhelicopters | → | toh |
tf2 | → | teamfortress2 |
terraria | → | terrariatshosck |
tribes1 | → | t1s |
ut | → | unrealtournament |
ut2003 | → | unrealtournament2003 |
ut2004 | → | unrealtournament2004 |
ut3 | → | unrealtournament3 |
v8supercar | → | v8sc |
vcmp | → | vcm |
vs | → | vampireslayer |
wheeloftime | → | wot |
wolfenstein2009 | → | wolfenstein |
wolfensteinet | → | wet |
wurm | → | wurmunlimited |