Hyperfeed is a self-archiving P2P live feed. You can convert any RSS/ATOM/RDF feed to a P2P live update publishing network.
- Self-archiving: All published items will be archived. If the feed is updated and doesn't contain old items, Hyperfeed still preserve them.
- P2P: Feed items are distributed in a P2P manner. Save bandwidth and support offline mode.
- Live: No need to constantly scrap a RSS feed, Updates will be pushed to you.
npm install hyperfeed
Create a hyperfeed from a RSS feed:
const request = require('request')
const hyperfeed = require('hyperfeed')
const swarm = require('hyperdiscovery')
request('https://medium.com/feed/google-developers', (err, resp, body) => {
hyperfeed().createFeed().update(body).then(feed => {
swarm(feed) // share it through a p2p network
console.log(feed.key.toString('hex')) // this will be the key for discovering
Now you can replicate the hyperfeed through a p2p network:
const Hyperfeed = require('hyperfeed')
const swarm = require('hyperdiscovery')
var feed = hyperfeed().createFeed(<KEY FROM ABOVE>, {own: false})
swarm(feed) // load the feed from the p2p network
feed.list((err, entries) => {
console.log(entries) // all entries in the feed (include history entries)
// open a read stream, listening feed updates
var rs = feed.list({live: true})
rs.on('data', entry => {
// whenever a new entry is available, you will automatically receive it without any polling
// you can load the feed item with feed.load
feed.load(entry).then(item => {
// the actual feed item.
Create a new Hyperfeed instance. If you want to reuse an existing hyperdrive, pass it as argument.
Create a new Hyperfeed instance. If you want to download from an existing feed, pass the feed's key as the first argument. Options include
own: boolean, // REQUIRED if `key` is not null. Set to true if this is a hyperfeed you created (in the same storage) before.
file: function (name) { return raf(name) }, // set to a raf if you want to save items to filesystem
scrap: false // if set to true, hyperfeed will also save the page each feed item pointed to.
where raf is
const raf = require('random-access-file')
The 32-bit public key of the feed.
Parse and save new items from a Feed XML. We support RSS, ATOM, and RDF feeds.
Returns the metadata of the feed.
Explicitly set the metadata
Returns a readable stream of all entries in the archive, include history
offset: 0 // start streaming from this offset (default: 0)
live: false // keep the stream open as new updates arrive (default: false)
withScrapped: false // also return scrapped data (default: false)
You can collect the results of the stream with cb(err, entries).
Entries are metadata of feed items. If you want to get the feed item itself, call feed.load(entry)
Returns a Feed item from given entry.
if you want to load scrapped data and it's not a JSON. set opts
to {raw: true}
is an object returned by #list()
Save a new feed item into hyperfeed. Check https://github.com/jpmonette/feed for item detail.
If you want to specify entry metadata (e.g. ctime
, name
...), pass a targetEntry
If you already have scrapped data from item.link, you can pass it to scrappedData
to avoid redundant requests.
Returns a RSS-2.0 Feed in XML format containing latest count
- hyperfeed-server: host a hyperfeed from cli
- hyperfeed-merge: merge multiple hyperfeed into one
The MIT License